Episode 138: Why You Need Backups

Episode 138: Why You Need Backups

Show Notes Episode 138 Why You Need Backups   00:00 From the center of the universe, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. This is the SDM show with your host Rob Cairns. The SDM show focuses on business life productivity, digital marketing, WordPress and more. Sit back, relax, grab your favorite drink, and enjoy the show. Here is…

Episode 60: How Wordfence Saved My Bacon

Episode 60: How Wordfence Saved My Bacon

Show Notes Episode 60 How WordFence Saved Our Bacon   00:00 Hey everybody, Rob Cairns here. This week I want to talk about how a simple plugin wordfence saved my agency’s bacon and frankly saved stunning digital marketing.com and once again helped us and came through in the crunch. Please sit down, relax, and enjoy…

Episode 59: Managing and Backingup Your Digital Photos

Episode 59: Managing and Backingup Your Digital Photos

Show Notes 00:00 Hey al Robert Cairns here. Before we get to this week’s episode, peace out this episode is sponsored by stunning digital marketing.com. The agency for all your digital marketing needs. This week, I’m going to talk about how to manage your digital photos. So you want to sit back and relax and…