Episode 365: Tips For Protecting Your Online Banking

Show Summary

Rob Cairns talks about tips for protecting your online banking.

Show Highlights:

1. Use 2FA.

2. Use the mobile app and why.

3. Use strong passwords

Show Notes

Hey, everybody. Rob here again. In today’s podcast, I want to talk about the one tip that you can use to help protect yourself doing online banking. Actually, it’s a couple cumulative S and this has kind of come out because likely in Canada. We’ve had a number of people scream to the media that they clicked on the site. That wasn’t their bank and they expect the bank to be responsible and that is absolutely ridiculous. Read your banking online banking agreement and realize your responsible. So that’s the first. So the couple of tips I would do is if my bank allowed me to set up two step authentication, I would do that right away and I prefer to use an authenticator app with e-mail or text messaging is better than nothing. But I would try to avoid using text messaging because that. Alludes to the possibility of SIM jacking and we don’t want that to happen, so try to use an authenticator app that works best #2 on a. PC or a mobile device? I would never go to my online banking via web browser. I just don’t do that. What I tend to do is use your banking app on your iPad on your tablet, on your smartphone with their iOS or Android. The reason is the banking apps are set to go right to your bank. They’re so changing where they go, so that inherently makes them more secure. And what you gotta remember is if you’re doing on a cell phone connection, your cell connections encrypted to start with, so that’s not gonna end and #3 stop clicking on banking. Links please stop and stop it now. If you have to go to the bank, enter in the URL to your bank directly in a web browser. But if you’re. Using option #2, you’ll need not to do that anyway. Right. So there you go. There’s three quick ideas on how to protect yourself doing online banking and then make your life a little safer, Rob Cairns, CEO, founder and chief creator of amazing ideas, is stunning digital marketing, talking about how to make your banking life a little more easier. Have a good day and bye bye for now.  

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