
Episode 511 Are QR Codes A Security Risk?

Show Summary

Rob Cairns, from Stunning Digital Marketing, presents a podcast episode discussing the security risks associated with QR codes. He explains that security hinges on trust, questioning the reliability of QR code sources in public places. Cairns highlights the danger of users blindly scanning QR codes without verifying the destination URL, potentially leading them to malicious websites. Due to these vulnerabilities, he personally avoids using QR codes, suggesting caution, especially with publicly displayed ones susceptible to tampering. He believes openly displayed QR codes are a security risk and advises users to be careful.

Show Transcript

Hey everybody, Rob here again. In today’s show, I want to talk about something very simple. Are QR codes a security risk? So, let’s break it down. First of all, security is all based on trust. And the question is, do you trust the source that QRS are coming from? Do you trust that QR code on the back of somebody’s business card? Do you trust that QR on a bus stop? Do you trust that Q are on an ad in a subway and so on and so forth. For those don’t know, QR code’s a a code that you scan with a QR code reader. It’s almost like a barcode similar and then it takes you to a website. The problem is when most people scan those, they never look at the website. They just go. And the problem with that is that QR code could take you to a nefarious website that isn’t safe very quickly. Personally, I don’t like QR codes. I don’t use them. I don’t like being at a security risk with something I can’t see or don’t know. And I frankly almost will never never use them. And that’s just me because I’m a security person and I don’t need that risk. So, I choose not to. I would say if you’re going to scan QR codes, be very careful, especially ones that are in open public places. like bus stops and advertising sites, they can be tampered with so very easily to send you somewhere that is not intended in the original. So yes, I think QR codes are security risk. I would be really careful before you scan one. Remember, trust is a factor. Anything out in the open has a higher security risk. Keep that in mind and just be safe. Rob Karen, stunning digital marketing is QR codes a security risk. Have a good day everybody. Bye for now.

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