Episode 439: If Donald Trump Was a Marketer

Show Summary

If Donald Trump was a marketer?

Show Highlights:

  • Would Donald Trump be successful?
  • Does he know how to market?
  • Negative publicity is not always bad.

Show Notes

Hey everybody, Rob here. Again. And in today’s episode, I wanna talk about if Donald Trump was a marketer, would he be successful? I don’t even want to get into the political craziness in the US. That’s a whole new ball game. But let’s talk about Trump himself. And everybody thinks that. Ohh, he can’t do anything. Always, always in the media. Always, always getting publicity. It’s an Anna marketers drink. Think about. The purpose for the marketer. Is to be always in the public eye, Howard Cosell once said on ABC’s Monday Night Football when he was alive. I don’t care if they like me or hate me as long as they watch me. And I think Trump is in the same boat. Frankly. No publicity is worse than bad publicity. That’s just the reality. Everybody knows that Donald Trump name everybody knows that Donald Trump brand. So when you. Think about it. Even though he’s been out of office for. Basically, three years he has still found a way to make himself. Whether that’s the negativity or not, that’s up for debate. Depending on what side of the fence you’re on and out of the scope of this podcast. But what I would suggest is he’s a brilliant marketer. He’s always done more things. He’s always stayed in the public eye. He’s always got the media covering him. He’s always got people running after him. And that in this in essence is the whole thing about marketing. Marketing is all based on disruption and what does Donald does Trump do disruption. So in my opinion you can like me or hate me. That’s fine. Donald Trump is a brilliant marketer. And that’s why he’s disrupted the American people. He’s managed to keep himself relevant, no matter whether he says it’s good or bad. But that’s just my thoughts. And if we all had success like that in marketing, we’d all be mega successful.

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