Episode 216: Talking About Ainfluencer

Show Summary

Rob Cairns sits down with Cyrus Nambak and David Banoliel and talks about their product Ainfluencer.

Show Highlights:

  1. The story behind Ainfluencer.
  2. What is Ainfluencer?
  3. What is Influencer marketing?
  4. Can SMB’s do influencer marketing?

Show Notes

Hello Rob Cairns.

Today I’m here with Cyrus and.

David, and we’re going to talk about a product they have called AI influencer.

How are you gentlemen today?

Hi how are you?

Great Robert.

How are you?

Doing good David, do you want to come in and introduce yourself about your background and what you’ve done and.

And what you’re going please works.

Yeah, I’m my name is David Banoliel been in startups for 30 plus years.

Based here in Toronto, so I’ve I’ve started in software.

You know it was actually an offshoot of my family business.

I created a piece of software coming out of school, started at York University and then from there got kind of enamored with with the Internet.

Uh, a series of different Internet related business.

This is that culminated in my first exit in 2007. A enterprise consulting firm that we had with a partner of mine to a public company in Toronto called Cyber Plex.

That half that exit happened 2007, and from there I went on to a different path, which was really.

Advertising and technology and marketing technology based so you know, I’ve been in affiliate marketing online dating display and programmatic media buying and.

All kinds of platforms mainly focus on business growth, marketing and and generally in that B to B space and have a lot of experience in it’s a B to B to C as well.

Well, well, but you know SMB B2B growth and that and that culminated in in meeting Cyrus in 2017 and I’m starting this business here a couple of years later.

That’s focused on on growth through social media and particular micro influencer marketing.

And you mentioned the startup space for those who don’t know, Toronto has a very vibrant and healthy startup community and has had for many, many years, so we’re kind of probably.

US an auto are probably the startup capitals of Canada.

I would think at this point, right?

David forgiving.

Yeah, I would agree with that.

I mean everyone has their their capital based.

On you know that.

There’s a few centers where certain startups start and then and then a bunch of a bunch of people came from there and then they start their business.

So you have.

That Waterloo Region, Vancouver, I think, is in in the creative space.

They’ve got a pretty strong scene there ’cause they were doing a lot of production.

There’s you have a lot of animation studios and.

Tech that’s focused on that, I think in and around Calgary actually get lots of tech on the on the Southern viral tech side and here here you get everything.

But here this is generally the center.

I don’t remember Karel look for.

Oh I, I do very much so.

And you also had rimin, although I see see everybody also having Waterloo.

Obviously have the school and a few big businesses there, so it’s it’s spread around like kind of you.

Have a a big company.

And just like like IBM and Microsoft, and Apple has spurned off, you know, started off a bunch of new entrepreneurs that that now run all the parts of the states.

Same here, but you know, Toronto has been pretty good to me.

I mean, you know there’s there’s so much going on here, you’re right.

Very vibrant startup communities here.

But I’ll say during COVID has been different.

In that.

The scene has always been, you know, meetups, right?

You you.

You connected with people and mitab see connected at events you got to meet other founders and.

You know COVID a lot of that got caught off like Cyrus and I’ve been.

Raising money.

Now for for a few months.

Or, you know, called six months, but we we started initiating that in a, you know, a year prior and and it that whole thing was cut off, right?

The ability to just sort of meet people connect.

With them, so you got to start relying on different ways of doing that.

You know things like LinkedIn and and different tools out there to to connect with people, but I think it’s sort of starting to come back together.

I’m starting to get the invites for all events again and everyone getting.

Ready for the spring I I.

Miss, you know, before we get to Cyrus, I miss those events I used to do, uh.

A lot of meetups, a lot of you know, business events and.

You know, just before the pandemic, about six months ago, when the guy said I met invent was David Gearhart, who was working for drift at the time and he was up here and they did a live him and David council did a live seeking Winston Pod podcast where they recorded it.

With a large audience in Toronto, they came up and met the Toronto group and.

Interesting at time as record, David just released his new book today and I mean those are the connections that get made.

There’s nothing that in person events can replace.

Even zoom calls is not quite the same.

You’re absolutely right.

Yeah, but I actually have.

This this thing going on with with LinkedIn where I just.

Sort of.

Spend a couple hours each week, just.

Connecting to people and having zoom.

Calls just meet people.

You know, going to the next word, so I I always tend to get a little cagey and need to just meet people all.

The time so so so am I.

So I’m there, Cyrus, do you?

Want to tell the listeners a little bit?

About yourself and your background please.

Let’s say to touch on what their David was saying about the tech community.

Let’s not forget about the cream of crop in Ontario, Shopify.

Yeah, one of.

The biggest unicorns they.

Came out of audible.

But now mainly running in Toronto.

I think also Shopify is in our initial space.

The Shopify merchants are people that we want to really help with our.

Venture so about me.

Basically I went to school from undergrad to pH.

Taking biomedical engineering and end up ended up like you know.

Doing this stuff.

Engineering building things around medical space, surgical tools, television machines.

But what I realized that finally like during those years was that and whatever product you build at the end, you need to learn how to build the business around it and grow it.

Grow it too.

Around the initial market.

And finally, me and.

One of my classmates 10 years ago started a marketplace called Jim Ladd which was aiming to help people with proactive health care.

And but it was.

It’s a web tech and that’s how we got to web and basically building products on the verb rather than hardware.

And machinery of biomedical engineering such as like you know, television machines, surgical tools, and those kind of things so Fast forward a couple of years we grew that marketplace a little bit, but we realize.

Uh, marketing is growth hacking is the core of what you was it like?

You know, running a business when it comes down, whatever product, even if you build the best product, getting your message out there the way you get it out there the way you know it early on the later on.

It’s all about your tactics in marketing, growth, high kings and the strategies that most successful companies they.

They they go after and one thing lead into another things and eventually I got into Instagram marketing and me and David as he said five years ago we made we got into that space and eventually one evening we decided to build.

This marketplace end to end free DIY marketplace to help.

Micro businesses, smaller businesses, ecommerce guy who really are who are in our shoes.

When we were like 10 years ago like a junior entrepreneur or for David maybe 30 years ago 20 years ago and they desperately we needed the help to grow our business and get the traction.

To get the ball.

Rolling and and get excited the team ourselves and eventually the venture grow.

To to the level that it deserves.

So yeah, yeah, like you know it’s been 10 years.

I’ve been very much focused on the web and and taking in the web space and eventually now we are very much focused on marketing and tools and and marketplaces that.

They help businesses to grow their product services, whatever it is and through the marketing channels such as influencers.

And there’s a marketing as you.

Know it’s kind of dictating off there and Boardwalk Mouse marketing, which is the most efficient way of doing marketing digital marketing.

And we’re probably going to get to that later and explain and how things have changed.

Yeah, so so that was kind of be.

Thank you for that.

That was going to be my next segue is what is actually influencer marketing.

What does that mean?

And I guess when people think influencers they think.

Big Rock stars, big Sports stars, big business people, but we all know it’s so much more than that.

So how would either one of you sort of describe the influencer marketing?

Maybe I continue with that. Basically influencer marketing has been around for 400 years.

More like you know, more like.

A good example, top river was.

8090 years ago, the very first company that executed on that in.

The best way possible through which.

Is traditionally called word of mouth.

It’s a great acquired woman who go women who go to parties, house parties, and they become.

They can become their ambassadors, and they spread the word about a pervert and they were very successful in that campaign and influencer marketing.

As we know, today is actually same concept but because of the rise of social media and you know scale that social media brought with itself.

It gave a rise to influencer marketing, which means now, OK, anybody, in my view, anybody from couple of 1000 followers to couple of million followers has its own influence on on the indie niche that they are passionate about the builder audience around and they can.

Execute the same word of mouth but in much more scalable way.

And tools have been trying to actually streamline this process for businesses because now when you go to one social media, let’s say Instagram, you’re facing with thousands if not millions of micro to mega influencers that you have to have a better understanding.

Of who they are?

What kind of audience they have?

Is it relevant?

What kind of quality they have, how much they are worth?

So as as as you see, the rise of social media gave rise to influencers.

And and that rise gave rise to now all kinds of tools and marketplaces that can help people to actually connect both.

Sides of the aisle.

For word of mouth marketing essentially.

David, did you have anything you want to add to that?

Yeah yeah, yeah.

I mean, I mean like the first real influencer was Santa Claus.

You know Santa Claus.

Santa Claus, you know it’s using what what I see lots of different ways of looking at this, but it’s transplanting.

It’s it’s creating trust through and through some form of of of influence, or someone who has influence on other people, right?

So how did you get people to actually start shopping, right?

You you created this personas.

Saint Nick and if you’re good, you know, you know, you know all these retailers piggyback on on Santa Claus to get people to buy people gifts because you know, we can all trust Saint Nick the the idea today is kind of interesting because we talk about something called a creator economy.

And with the rise of Cyrus mentioned scale and growth in social media and and and you know all these marketers who are, you know there, there’s a huge movement, a huge amount of people.

Some say the number somewhere of 50 million people worldwide, who are a great many marketers or entrepreneurs or just?

People are good at community.

Meeting or passionate about certain things and and they’ve created a a small living out of it and some of them quite huge.

So on the.

On the huge side, you look at someone like Kim Kardashian who’s like.

You know who has?

A you know someone a billion dollar empire now who started with influencer?

You know using social media?

And then built, you know, some fairly big brands.

For that.

But you know the majority of that market is actually a lot smaller. What we call a micro influencer, someone who has say between 10:00 and you know 100,150 thousand followers. And those individuals tend to connect with, you know niche audiences or specific people you know, think.

Or somebody who loves fishing and is always like doing their fishing videos and talking about different bait and tackle on how they do things or someone who does DIY or someone who loves playing guitar.

They have smaller followings and the distinction between that mega influencer or celebrity who we all think of as influencer and is smaller micro influencer.

Is that the this micro influencer has a, uh, a bigger, uh, a much more focused audience and a lot more of that trust.

Because those people.

Who follow them?

Are there with specific concept, those people those micro influencers are very valuable to brands because they speak about they offer and.

Opportunity to connect with whatever your product is about.

So if I’m Fisher reels or whatever it is in the in the you know, in the angling business or the in the fish.

Treat business that would you can really connect with those people and and those people can connect you to a really engaged audience, specially if that person is going to talk about you.

Know you’re going to send them one of your new one of your new lures, or something like that, and they talk about it.

People will buy that because you’ve transplanted, they immediately get the trust through that person and and and you immediately meet all these people through word of mouth Cyrus is mentioning.

So you know the word itself.

Influencer has some interesting connotations.

Some people call them creators.

Some people call them, you know gig work.

There’s it’s.

It’s surfaced as the de facto term, like it or not, right?

It is the term that everyone seems to understand and that’s why we we we appended it to our name, right?

We you know, it’s instantly recognizable in that regard.

It’s so true and and people don’t understand.

Brands are looking for that.

Affect a number of years ago I had a.

I have a large Twitter following and I was engaged in a discussion with a couple people about coffee of all things and the head marketing Rep for Tassimo, Canada reached out to me and said can we send you a new machine?

And not only will we send you a machine, we will send two other machines to two people that you choose to get to.

Uh, two other machines, so they basically sent me out a combined three machines and you know, and they carried on a conversation and the traffic they got.

Out of it was worth doing, so I mean people don’t understand. There’s a lot of that small little stuff that goes on that people don’t realize happens because they attribute to influencers to the Kim Kardashian’s to the.

The Shaquille O’Neal still Skype with people and they don’t realize there’s a lot of micro influencers or smaller influences that are impacting buying trends.

We couldn’t have.

We couldn’t have led you.

I mean, you just basically.

That that that’s the market that we’re trying to serve.

It’s a huge.

Huge, massive underserved market.

So the small business people out there.

And small bite. We’re meeting upwards of twenty $30 million small generally in the E commerce space. They have no way of really doing this. They don’t even understand it. They don’t have time for it. They have nowhere to go do it.

You know there’s a there’s a trust element with with influence.

You know what?

What is what.

Does this mean followers?

And are they real and will they take my money if I give him a deposit and and and all these elements?

That huge market is what we’re trying to is what what we’re tackling with with a influencer.

’cause we’re not looking to connect them to, to to, to Shaquille, or or Kim.

We’re looking at connected to 20 or 30 or 40.

Really solid micro influencers and and that and that’s what we’re doing today.

Yep, so tell me a little bit about your product, gentlemen.

What how did this?

Product sort of come about and how does it kind of work?

Basically I’m gonna.

Continue on Davis.

Words like the very last few ones.

So as you.

Saw like there are nuances when it comes for business.

And saying I want to work even like micro influencers or micro influencers.

Even there are more nuances like you know because where am I going to go?

How am I gonna?

Yeah, find them.

How am I gonna really really?

Well, if they’re related to coffee, as you said, like you know or sport and and how much they are worth, there’s there are few pieces of the puzzle when that makes working with influences, inundating like, you know, if I’m small, shopping by merchant.

And I have so much other things to do.

Like you know, most people rather go and just turn on the Google ads or Instagram ads and paste 10 times money, but they don’t think about all these nuances where influence that comes in is like kind of.

Put all these nuances away and make it so so easy and digestible, and even then no brainer for these smaller businesses.

As we’re saying, we make a DIY do-it-yourself influencer marketing and even working scale with.

Because when you go with micro influencers and you you want to scale.

Like you have a big budget now you’re working with hundreds of maybe micro influencers to streamline the entire process and make it easy and DIY.

This is where a influence that comes in and tries to help.

And and as I said, like you know there.

Are a lot.

Of unknown when it comes to work with an influencer, how much should I pay?

And is should I pay first or wait for that or or wait for the post to be published or the campaign being delivered?

And can I trust this influencer?

Is the audience authentic?

Is the audience in the city that I want and to target?

Is the audience in the demographic that I I want to target?

And then this.

Very influence that comes in and put the AI in place for you without you even thinking too much.

David, on the other side.

So if if I may on the other side, micro influencers too to get all these sponsored deals and and can live a life that they deserve.

They are literally as David said, they’re underserved, and it’s very difficult for them to just keep going out and talking.

Sending messages to brands so you know I can push to promote your.

Like so this is where this marketplace called influence.

There comes in place.

Just list your Instagram account and let let’s sit back and wait for these brands who are related to your niche.

Send invites to you and all.

You explore these.

Products and campaigns and participate in them.

Send your interest.

And offer who these smaller businesses or brands and say I want to be part of your campaign and then everything else is a streamline so you don’t have to worry too much.

David, did you have anything you wanted?

Add to that.

No, I mean you know the.

The the idea the idea of really teaching people about this, you know I, I know you have some folks here also in your audience.

Who are you know, web professionals and and conversion specialists and marketers.

And it’s important.

Understand that there’s a big use.

Case, I mean, on a startup science startup we know.

How you know you go and create?

A product and the first thing.

You need to do is.

You know market, you know position yourself in some way and a lot of that comes down to creating meaningful content.

You know when you’re creating content, you you end up going to shutter stock and downloading things, or going to fiber and hiring people to create little videos for you and and pictures and so on.

Or even go as far as making your own video or hiring model.

And and that could be really expensive and we could also be.

It’s not real, meaning that it’s not like life like to your product.

It’s not like real people doing stuff with your product.

That’s why everyone loves testimonials, especially video testimonials, which are like gold, right?

I agree so.

So one use case that Cyrus and I are really excited about and starting to hear from our clients is just using these influencers or creators to create.


Pieces of content.

Right, like you know.

Here take my product.

Here’s some video create.

Create me a little video over here and you can get that created for a fraction of what you would spend and it’s much more meaningful so you can take that those you can get four or five videos created or a bunch of images people on your on your boat, or on, you know, wearing your clothes that you make or whatever it is.

And you put that on your website, right?

So so for all the web people or web building web designers and performance marketers, this is a really strong opportunity to leverage these this creative.

You know, uh?

Uh, a massive creative sort of trust in all these people like it’s a huge vault of creativity that you can kind of tap into.

To to optimize your site and your conversion and then of course you know the other use case that Cyrus had mentioned affectively was just.

You know your small business and and now what right like now I need to grow and talk to people and in our view, you know using influencers.

Is the easy.

Best fastest way to build trust in your brand.

Your brand.

No one knows anything about you, right?

That’s why that’s why reviews are so important, right?

It’s like Google reviews and people spend so much time getting reviews, so how?

Do you build trust?

And how do you sort of create some momentum?

Usually you need 2.

Three years in market before people know who you are so you know it’s a great way to build trust and start generating sales right off the bat so you know.

We’re really bullish on this concept, and we built the platform.

Really, really to assist these smaller businesses with with creating, creating you know ways to convert and and and and interact with people that are that’s more meaningful than just ads, right?

You know how?

How do you get influencers onto your platform?

So as I like.

This here you start.

I go, I’ll go next.

OK sure, so basically it’s a kind of self serving mechanism that.

We we are.

Arranging listing over 180,000 influencers and that list is growing as well as coming and they see these influencers that they are matched with them.

They send invites and well, basically there are mechanism behind the scenes that they get invites because these influencers micro influencers.

They are looking for deals.

So automatically they get invited to those campaigns, so brands need them.

They get invite, they come join the platform and they work with them or not.

Or they negotiate with each other, so, like a democratized marketplace, so we’re not in the middle, not making decisions.

For anybody so and the other way we get them is that we are in the app stores, our apps, Android and iOS are in both app stores and pretty much very well ranked for influencer marketing.

And brand awareness.

Sponsorship sponsored ads.

Those sort of keywords.

We get discovered pretty decently, and influencers are by the hundreds signing up every day.

David, in in terms of that, do you want to take us through a bit of the customer journey?

So I want an influencer.

How do I go about it on your platform?

Yeah, sure, so it’s really easy.

So the trick for us is creating an end to end platform.

We found that people were using three or four different tools.

Anyone who was trying it, they would use one tool to go find influencers.

They would manually.

Really, go reach out to them, you know with DMS or try to, you know, send an email.

Most influencers in in their little bio will say you know if you want to collaborate with me.

You know, email me here at the me, so that’s the way you connect with them and then you you know.

Typically go to WhatsApp or or email and you start chatting or even in DMS or chatting back and forth.

You go in and and then you know you have a a Google sheet with a list of all the people you’re tracking and pricing and the deals you’re making and then and then they go to PayPal for a price to pay them.

And then you’re monitoring things.

Just go on Instagram just looking at.

Things it was.

A real scatter of different ways to.

Do it so we we created an end to end platform to do all that. So you create a free and what’s really important understand is that our tool set is 100% free. OK, it’s their brands off that you don’t have to get caught up in in a subscription fee.

Or a transactional fee or anything like that.

We bear all the costs is once you do a deal with a with an influencer on our platform, we just.

A portion of it is paid out by the influencer.

2 as sort of a Commission so brands could just go up to our platform and create a free account.

And and then the first thing you do is you create your brief.

So you tell like the world, essentially our marketplace or anyone who wants to work with you.

You tell them what this is about this this campaign so you know you’re trying to get more people to buy your your your fishing lures, or whatever it may be and and then you you talk about where you know where.

Your system’s gonna ask you where, where do you target people? Where? Where do you sell? I sell North America I’m looking for.

Or people who have, you know, influence of people from 10 to 1500 K. I’m looking for someone to create a nice post for me or video on this, you know, and so on.

So you create your brief and then we ask them some questions around the dates and and other specific questions if you if you want to link, include it in your campaign and so on.

And then and then, because we protect the community.

And obviously there’s a a quick approval process.

But that whole that.

Whole process is minutes.

You know you can get it all done within four or five minutes.

And and and then.

And then you go.

You’re brought right into a discovery screen where you can start looking for influencers.

And you do that to start with hashtags.

’cause that’s really the you know.

Hashtags is sort of how social media is built.

It’s like topics.

So you’ve filled in a few hashtags.

We suggest some for you.

We give you some analysts, you know we give us.

Some insights into which ones?

Are really popular and then.

You know you’re asking, are you looking for us but a few other questions and and you brought into a screen where where you started to get hosted matched with people who are.

Connected to your to those tags and and then you have in that screen you could see other information that our AI algo sort of has created.

So we’ve been indexing, crawling and managing this data for quite a long time.

Called 10 or 12 key data points so we can tell you quality score for example, which tells you you know from a scale 10.

You know one percent 200% what what? The sort of authenticity scale or this person is. We can give you sort of price ranges based on their engagement level and size and that kind of thing some price.

Guidance, but also we show you all the main information, their followers and recent posts.

All that kind of stuff and you can start browsing through people through them.

You can do advanced searches so you could tweak it down further to you know people only from you know 10,000 or 50,000 followers and only in Canada.

And and then.

You’re going to get a list and then that list.

We’ve automated the invite process so you can just start selecting them and then you click on invite and our system gets to work.

We go out and we try to reach out to them via various forms in the back end.

And then you’re done at that stage and and you’re going to start receiving emails.

Or you can go to your offer screen and you’re going to see people come back and make offers.

So you’re going to start getting this sort of chat scenario.

I don’t ever use Airbnb, but it’s a similar scenario when you’re in Airbnb, you look for a property and then and then you’re chatting with the owner.

Right, so it’s a similar concept of here.

Use Upwork or Fiverr.

It’s a similar thing too.

So so basically now you’re in a chat scenario.

It’s called offer chat and and that’s really our kind of our contract and negotiation screen and collaboration screen so you can chat, upload graphics, talk about the deal, and then at any given time it’s structured workflow so you know if I make a.

If I propose something to you, you’re.

Influencer I propose something to you.

Then it goes back and now it’s you know I can.

I can make a proposal and then you can come back and and counteroffer and so it goes back and forth in this structured way until.

Someone says OK.

Let’s do it, and then you could make a payment directly through our system.

We have a safe pay.

Payment where we hold the payment in trust.

This is really important because there’s always a sort of game of chicken that goes on between who’s going to pay who first and how you pay.

And if you’re if you’re dealing.

With 30 or 40 people, that means you’ve got like basically an accounting nightmare here.

Like right?

You have to deal with all these people, but now you can just do it all in one place.

We hold it in escrow.

Until and we monitor the publishing of the post to make sure that they abided by the rules that you all set out in that in that deal screen.

So basically you you do the deal, you make your payment, it gets published at one point.

We also have a little scheduler where you can see all the posted or schedule on different dates and then you know you’re alerted when it when it’s posted.

Successfully or not?

Successfully and then finally you get a little screen.

That shows you the.

Amount analytics it says you know you got this many.

This is how long it was.

Posted four and this one many likes and clicks and and and comments you may receive from that post.

So that’s all happening through one platform.

Allow people say that they it’s kind of fun, right?

’cause you’re meeting people and.

It all happens pretty, it’s pretty easy.

That sounds at what is the typical average cost of somebody using an influencer?

Is there one or is it kind of all over the map?

Well, it’s all it’s variable.

It’s generally based on the following, I mean, and the kind of deal you create.

So at the highest level, it’s based on the volume of people that you have access to, right?

And and call it and mix that with a bit of a quality ocean.

So if somebody isn’t wants to do a deal with you, but they’re not in your niche, then you get a pretty big discount somebody is.

Is has a lot of you know, a lot of followers and is in your niche.

Then then that’s sort of your, you know, the Holy Grail so you know it’s variable on the number of followers typically, and the kind of engagement level which are factors of how interested the audience is and what you have to say.

And it can range from like you.

Know we have, you know.

People can get deals done for as low as.


Upwards of two three 400 dollars $500. We’re seeing on average somewhere in the neighborhood of call it $50 a post. Something like that for micro influencers. But but it really is all over the map.

So so great to expand on that.

There are basically there is the followers engagement and also relevancy like how like if I’m a medical space.

Probably I’m not going to be interested to post something on about the cars on my Instagram.

And then if I’m going.

To do that, I’m going to charge.

More so, relevancy.

This is where we’re coming in.

Like to help businesses to not think too much about OK if I’m paying this much is worth or not.

So basically the our marketplace does two things to make it the most trustable place for a business to go and work.

This influencers one is like.

We have an.

AI based tracking system that estimate estimated the price for each influencer and tells you.

How much they’re worth.

And 2nd, is that as influencers work in the marketplace and have a track record and only you will see their past deals and how much they were charged or how much they are worth.

But also the price adjusts itself to every time they make an offer every time they close the deal to what is more real about them.

And the track.

Record of like you know, publishing and ROI that they gave the brands previously.

So if you today you go.

Out and let’s say find somebody on Instagram.

You have no idea.

Yeah, how much they charge the previous you know coffee shop.

But now you could on this marketplace you could see what’s going on is transparent and also the algorithm adjusts itself and gets bigger and bigger up every time they have already worked with somebody or maybe even an offer to somebody.

Yeah, that sounds like a good idea.

How long is that typical?

Amount paid held in escrow.

You mentioned that you’ll hold the amount in trust, so to speak until the post is done.

Is it then paid out at the post or do you hold it back for a certain amount of time?

Or yeah.

I agree.

Yeah, we we hold it for several days because for one, you know on average the campaign runs for more than one day.

We want to make sure that what we’re doing is monitoring it, so the deal itself has a few key factors.

Is the price what type of posts they were going to put on?

Is it a story post or feed post?

The creative itself that they uploaded for approval.

The duration so the duration is is typically one to three or four days, maybe even a week.

We just want to make sure for a few days that it that it is in fact staying there.

They want someone to post it and then bring.

It right down for example.

Or they may not.

They may not have put the link in their bio, which is where how it works on Instagram.

And by the way, we our core focus here is Instagram, right?

I want to make sure it’s really clear where we really all of our influence or data comes from.

So so yeah, we we have a policy right now where we we track it for those for those five days and then we then we release it and it just ends up in in the influencers wallet.

Or they’re notified and says hey your money sitting here and they can withdraw it anytime.


Uhm, is there anything else anybody needs to know about using the platform?

Uhm, I would say we could offer something to your audience. Uh, I wanna announce that like you know any any big brands businesses that they see and listen to this podcast. They can get $100 credit.

Uh, when they spend their their first $500 budget and from us by just sending an email saying, I, I found you guys on this podcast.

And that’s that’s awesome and very generously.

Thank you, Cyrus.

Thank you and.

Where do you where do you see this going?

From here gentlemen?

Is it just gonna grow and grow or are you planning on branching out to another product?

Yeah, well, obviously we want a.

World domination, you know?

Yeah, we we.

We have a road map.

I mean, ultimately we’re looking to continue growing some of the we kind of touched on a few big use cases here we we definitely want to.

To expand channels, so we we’ve selected Instagram because you know, we we know the platform really, really well.

But also the market that we’re focused on, which is sort of which is E commerce and essentially the millennial market.

It is really active on Instagram. You’re a billion billion month, you know, a billion 1.2 billion installs like 3 or 400 million million monthly daily active users.

So you have a huge amount of activity, so we just started there.

But really you know you you can’t go down the street without talking about Tik T.O.K these days, that’s another platform that we will be bringing in.

We have apps that we’re starting to design and and, and and and spec out for ecommerce shops.

As Cyrus mentioned Shopify.

You know?

It’s a huge success globally and we want people who have a Shopify store using using a one click method or just a simple app in their Shopify back end to be able to use platforms like ours.

So that’s a Shopify app and Magento is another platform you probably know about.

All these in your WordPress audience.

Seems like woo commerce.

I do.

You know you go to the ability to you know quickly.

You know, take your.

You know your product and start promoting it through influencer.

So that’s something that is kind of important.

And then and then, of course, you know we localize this and you want to go to different countries and different in different parts of the world.

But my experience has always been that you convert a lot better and you’re a lot more credible when you’re in the native language.

So you need to localize the application.

You know lots more AI to build a lot more data.

I mean ultimately, right now we’re so super focused on.

Just understanding our clients.

Yeah, and that makes a lot of sense and you know you mentioned Shopify and you know a couple other spots come to mind right away as you think about stuff like Etsy, which is a very artistic marketplace.

If you decide to go there and there’s even stuff like.

I wonder if an influencer marketing would make a difference on eBay.

To be honest.

With the in, in trying to get word out about a product or an auction.

So I mean, the possibilities are almost endless.

I would think.

So too after that, like.

Actually when we talk with the head of fitness on Amazon, he believes like even this is a very great product for Amazon merchants who want to drive their own traffic.

Their stores to to grow up and to get to the top of Amazon.

Search in the in in the in the most efficient way because you know within all these platforms you can pay for ads, but the ads are the most expensive channel to.

Go after right?

And this is our premise to make it cheaper, simpler, easier, and more efficient for these smaller businesses and brands.

To to get to where they deserve.

Yeah, I I would think so.

If somebody wants to check the platform out has the best way to get to.

Look at it.

I think is that like certainly is 8 https://ainfluencer.com/ and from there if you are a business, you can just sign up on the web. If not, you could go to find influencers page.


Or you go to apps and find our apps or you go straight into the app stores if you’re influenced.

Search and search for a influencer.

And if somebody wants to get a hold of either you 2 gentlemen want to ask more, what’s the best?

Just put Cyrus@ainfluencer.com and David@ainfluencer.com

Let’s just go outside in Toronto and yell.

HT winters yes.

Yeah you can.

Yes, that is then that that will work.

Maybe we’ll get some people out and.

As long as you yell and don’t bring those truckers with you, I’m all good fresh.

So you know.

We we know what to say to Candace, but like German, thank you very much for joining me.

I really enjoyed the talk and learning a little bit more about your product and you have a wonderful day.

Appreciate for the opportunity.

Thank you Cyrus.

Thank you, David.

You bye.

Thank you so much, thank you.

So much for spending time with us.


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