Episode 442: Changes to the SDM Show

Show Summary

Changes to the SDM Show podcast: 1. New segments. 2. When new segments come out. 3. Who are my new co-hosts for the new segments? https://www.openshot.org/

  • New segments.
  • When do new segments come out?
  • Who are my new co-hosts for the new segments?

Show Notes

 Hey everybody, I’m Rob Cairns, I’m the chief digital strategist that’s running digital marketing and today’s podcast. I really wanted to talk about some quick changes to the SDM show. I think I’ve been rolling these out for a while and I thought I’d just. Summarize. Them so right now, generally on Tuesdays I do a solo show on Thursdays I do an interview. Now there are some regular guests. Mr. Ryan Waterbury joins me once a month. You should published on the Thursday or Friday. To talk about agency life and things we have going on. There. On the 2nd and 4th Monday of every month, Mr. Todd Jones joins me to talk about. Copywriting and all going on in the copywriting space. On the 3rd. U. M. Monday of the month, I now have Mr. Tim Nash joining me to talk all about security. And not only that, after tomorrow I’ll probably be able to announced one more special guest. So I wanna take some time to thank Tim Nash. Bob Jones, Ryan Waterbury for helping this podcast be successful. Thanks guys, appreciate y’all very much. So those are the changes for the SDM show and that’s it for today. If you need anything, e-mail me podcast@stunningdigitalmarketing.com. Thanks for everybody. Bye.

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