
Episode 378: Rob Cairns Is Speaking at Podcamp Toronto 2024

Show Summary

Rob Cairns is pleased to announce he is speaking at Podcamp Toronto 2024.

Show Notes

Hey everybody, Rob here again. I promised a special announcement. I love teasers. As many of you know, I spoke at Podcamp Toronto 2023 and I talked to. How to build a podcast on the budget and I really enjoy getting back out to conference, speaking again and sharing with our community. Toronto has a very vibrant podcast community and just so you know, I’m going to be updating that talk and offering it. The 2024 version of the side deck on my website, there’s an opt in in early January, but that’s not really what I really wanted to talk about today.  

What I wanted to talk about was that I have been approved to do my talk at Park Camp 2024 at the Ted Rogers School of Business at the Toronto Metropolitan University, formerly known as Ryerson, the third weekend of February. And the topic for this year’s topic is lessons learned from over 400 podcasts, but a time podcamp will drown. I’ve recorded my 400 podcast. What a milestone. That is, many podcasts never get to that point, so I’m going to share with the audience some things I’ve learned from doing that many podcasts. I’m excited. I’m jazzed, and I’m glad again to be on this stage, giving back to our amazing, vibrant community. If you’re in Toronto, come by, sign up when the sign up happens, it’s free. PodCamp Toronto is the best place, or if you’re not in Toronto, I will be releasing the slide deck for that talk. Around the time I do the talk, so it’ll be there as a reference guide and on my website at stunning digitalmarketing.com and anybody can get and learn from that talk. So hope to see you there. Can’t wait. And be well, everybody talk to. You soon bye for now.  

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