Episode 287: Looking After Older Customers After A Product Has Been Purchased

Episode 287: Looking After Older Customers After A Product Has Been Purchased

Show Summary Rob Cairns and Ryan Waterbury talk about Looking after customers when a product has been purchased. Show Highlights: Show Notes Hey everybody, Rob Kerns here and in today’s podcast I have my friend Ryan Waterbury, with me doing our monthly segment. How are you today, Ryan? Hey we are in for 8 inches…

Episode 278: Podcast Changes

Episode 278: Podcast Changes

Show Summary In this episode Rob Cairns talks about changes to The SDM Show podcast publishing schedule. Show Notes Hey everybody, Rob Cairns here. I’m the founder, CEO and chief. Creative amazing ideas at stunning digital marketing. I hope everybody is doing well today. In today’s podcast, I want to talk about. Where things are…

Episode 264 Your Website Will Always Be Changing

Episode 264 Your Website Will Always Be Changing

Show Summary Rob Cairns sits down with Ryan Waterbury and they talk about why your website is always changing. Changes include: Security Updates. Blogs. Content changes. Pictures updated on the website. Show Notes Hey everybody, Rob Cairns here today I’m here with Ryan Waterbury and our monthly segment and we’re gonna talk about why websites…

Episode 256 Things to Consider For Your Website When Changing Webcare Security Providers

Episode 256 Things to Consider For Your Website When Changing Webcare Security Providers

Show Highlights Rob Cairns has many years maintaing secuirty for WordPress Websites. When clients change the service provider that maints the security for their websites, many simple things are missed. Rob talks about the the missed items and what to do about them. Show Notes Hey everybody, Rob here again in today’s podcast, I wanted…