
Episode 462 Show People You Care

Show Summary

Rob Cairns talks about showing people you care.

Show Notes

Hel All Rob Cairns here, I’m the founder, CEO and chief creator of amazing ideas. It’s stunning digital marketing today. I kind of wanted to jump on. A bit of a. Go and talk about. Excuse me. Talk about some things going on. Online and without getting really in the specifics cause I think I’ve covered it. By Helen back on this podcast. WordPress drama. But I don’t even want to talk about. The WordPress drive. What I want to talk. About is people. And first thing I want to say is communities are made. Up of people. And we need to realize that and we need to realize that. Communities are only as strong as the people in them. And we also need to realize. People have feelings and emotions get hot when they get heated. When people are very opinionated. And that’s hard. Because some people fly off the handle, I know when I was younger. I get emotional now. I tend to more walk away. And then deal with things later and process. And we all deal with emotions in a different way. Men, women. And so on. Men tend to keep their emotions more in check. That’s because they’re expected to women, and I could be wrong. Tend to. Be a little more emotional. But that’s the way it is. And I think when we go to heated stuff, we need to. Think really hard and say I said that to you, but if somebody said that to me, would I appreciate it. How would I feel? What am I feeling or seeing or believe? How would that make me move? I always try and consider my audience and the people I’m talking to. When I’m saying stuff, I think that’s really important. Show some empathy, show people you care, show people you understand. Show people you care about them. It’s hard. It’s hard, especially when things get impacted and impact our personal lives and our livelihood. It’s really hard. What I would say, and I really don’t want this to be a long podcast today, but it would say. All the people that you care about most you. Pick up the phone, reach out. Say I’m thinking about you. I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to say it that way. Be honest, be authentic. And show them how much she cared and show others that he care. Because at the end of the day. It’s the people that matter. Not anything else. So take that away. Have a good weekend, everybody, and we’ll talk. To you soon.

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