Episode 407: Coaching and Copywriting With Todd Jones

Show Summary

Rob Cairns and Todd Jones talk about coaching and copyrighting.

Show Highlights:

1. Why coaching?

2. How AI impacts copywriting.

3. Steps to make your copyrighting better.

Show Notes

Hey everybody, Rob Cairns s here and today I’m here with my good friend Mr. Todd Jones and friend of the show. How are you today, Todd?

I’m doing good. How about you?

Doing well for a lazy Thursday morning before doctor’s appointments and more. It’s over.

You just. You’re you’re just butting your head against a brick wall, right?

Yeah, that too. Yeah. Yeah, yeah. And it’s overcast here in Toronto. So what can I say, you know, so.

Yeah, we’re going to have some rain after a while. We we had some really muggy weather yesterday afternoon. It was like, anyway, hopefully we’ll.

It’s come, it’s.

Get back. Done.

Coming soon. So today I thought we talked about content coaching and some things you’re working on so. Do you feel about that?


I like doing content coaching, you know, I was thinking about this before earlier. I’m probably a better strategist than I am a practitioner. You know? I I they’ll see, like, see things from 30,000 feet. See trend, see what’s going on. I’m. I’m really knee deep into the content. And the copywriting industry listening to. And and really a lot of people want to do the content themselves or they have somebody in house or they have a freelancer they use and that kind of thing. But maybe they’re struggling with stuff, you know, having having an issue with content, not working, whatever. And that’s, that’s where I like to come in and say. See what I it’s like a QA. Almost. Really. You’re kind of doing quality assurance, but you’re kind of coming in and diagnosing where where problems could be. And you know, there’s a there’s no need. You know, I’ve, I’ve I’ve had. I’ve had a lot of people come to me for like, a website copy. Right. And really, they don’t need to rewrite the copy the whole website. Sometimes they just need to work on a certain area and and improve that. So you know, you’re best to talk to somebody who can tell you that up front before you like. Invest a lot of money in. A whole website rewrite but but I also get that too because I’m going through changes. Evolution and what I do and say, well, I have to go and redo my website like you know what I say on it. So but but yeah, that’s I I kind of like the whole looking at the big picture and and you know analyzing areas that could be tweaked and and improve. Providing content. So that’s kind of my. That’s a sweet spot for me, I guess.

I I would agree. I hate to go here, but we have to. And I think you know where I’m gonna go because there’s two dreaded letters in this business called.


Yeah, yeah, yeah, that, that those two dreaded letters and I think.

How much time do you have?

What? What?

How much time?

Do you have?

I think I think we can have a content discussion without involving AI. It’s just a reality in today’s world and I think you and I have talked about offline many a conversation we’ve said.

We had a conversation on here about. It one time.

AI is just a tool, and AI doesn’t make you a better writer, and you still need strategy, and you still need coaching. What do you think? Yeah.

That sounds right. You know, and and you might be some people this this thing might be surprised to hear. And because I listen to a lot of what content writers say, most of us are in some kind of a tool AI tool every single day, we just are. There’s so much you can do with AI from research. Or mostly evaluation like I was playing around a few weeks ago, Rob with, you know, using my about page framework, can I get ChatGPT or Gemini to evaluate a like an about page or currently written about page using my framework and I was really close to doing that. What I realized it was. Not gonna you. You can’t. It’s you. Can’t just dump it all in there and expect to do if that’s too much. You gotta like, go one section at a time. OK, here’s the first section. Here’s what I’m looking for. How is it fair and let it. Be that you. Can do so the valuation of what they have, you can do a whole lot. Not so much. AI, not so much research, but you can do some analysis of research. Putting a CSV files in and so forth. There’s a lot of that kind of stuff you can do with AI and and. It’s. And then also, but I saw somebody say, I’ve actually heard a couple of people say this. We will probably never start with a blank draft again with a I’m not quite there yet because I still have, like certain things in my head. Sometimes it’s there, but it’s not. It’s cloudy, so I have to start riding to get. It out but. Boy, you can. You know little technical things you can do pretty. Quick with AI. Or, you know, especially chat, TBT and Jim and I, but you’ve got to give it the info. You you know, if you’re expecting it to go out and get the info, you run. Into one or. 2 problems. One, you’re going to the info might be wrong. Yeah. He’s just about to be wrong. Because you know and in both ChatGPT and Jim and I have a notice down there saying check the information because it’s always right. So that’s that’s your first clue. Don’t go out and get the information you and put the information #2. If you’re asking it just to spin up something, it very well might plagiarize. It’s coming from somewhere, right? So it might pull content or copy from something that already exists, and suddenly, and if you’re putting that out there, you’re publishing a book using or whatever, and you have it like, gone through that you put yourself in a liability situation. You might be plagiarizing. His work. You gotta be careful about using AI that way. I say don’t write an entire piece of content with AI. AI is great. For helping you. Smooth off the rough edges. If you’re riding is a little bit, maybe you write how you talk and a little bit more than it. Maybe you should and you need to clean that up a little bit. You need a. Confident but casual. Tone those kinds of things. Hey, I can help. The good ones can. Now, there is another. There’s several tools. Obviously I haven’t played with all of them, but one I’m familiar with this content to scale I think is. What it’s called. Julian McCoy is over there and I saw. Loosely a demo. I should say it was really a webinar, but they got into it and showed how it could be done and it has some real promise I believe, but it but it’s not going to spin it up. Out of thin. Air for it. You just you have. To train it. In your style writing and then you input all the stuff and then it spends it like you write it. I shouldn’t say spin. It writes it like you write it, so it allows. If you’ve got a content team of, say, 3 riders and you’ve got to populate all this content across multiple, you know spots, you could write, you know the topic can change. You put the information in and it’ll write like one of your writers. So you kind of keep the tone and. You know, voice talk kind of stuff. That’s some real promise, I think for the future, for content production. So but but what they run into is they I think is that. I’m starting to use the word remarkable, remarkable content because it tells me that you. Are rising above. The fray, so for many, many years now, we have been using. What I would. Call informational or educational content, which is fine, but this, like that’s all it is, is straight. Facial straight emotion, straight educational, straight informational content without thinking about certain things that make content better and more engaging. And. A lot of that. Is because companies are putting out. Multiple pieces of content a day trying to dominate SEO through putting out they’re trying to saturate it, to dominate the SEO and so all this content I must say all that a lot of it is very meh. It’s baseline. It’s it’s, it’s. Good, but it’s not great, you know that. Kind of thing. AI is going to speed that up. So that that swap that we already have that Mark Schafer called Content shock 10 years ago is going to get wider. Wider, more of it. And I think we’re running into a crossroads really between that and the fact that consumers consume content differently than they did 1215 years ago when the to what we were doing was a novelty, right? It was like, oh, there’s a there’s an ebook.


Tell me how to do this or that. Let me download it and then suddenly I’m on e-mail list and I’m getting emails. I’m getting blog posts and all this kind of stuff and it’s a novelty and I’m like you’re doing this 15 years later. It’s not a novelty anymore. Consumers, both B2B and B2C. They’ve been there, done that now for 15 years. Or is it 2? 1007, 2008 that Marketo and HubSpot found launched and they basically had the same idea, right? It’s it’s content marketing kind of deal, even the head, the guy who founded Marketo has come out and said we can’t do it like we were doing it. In 2008. Through 2015, that whole it was going so well because people just aren’t, they’re not downloading downloadables anymore. They’re not, you know, they’re not going to read math content anymore. You’ve really got to do something to get their attention. You got to have what I would call remarkable. Content. So. I’ve been working on what? The characteristics are remarkable. Content is. In my own time trying to. Build somewhat of a blueprint. There’s another, I think going forward, especially if you’re not doing cobs of content, you should have remarkable content as much as you can. That doesn’t mean every piece of content. Should be remarkable. But my friend Steve rower, which I think you know he likes to know about something called black box content. It’s really a metaphor for what I would call signature content. It’s what you’re known for. It’s it’s the identity, the content that identifies with you. So, for example, to your users, the SDM show is signature. Content for rock parents you don’t really write blog posts anymore. You do podcasts. That’s what you do. You get smart people on your podcast, you interview them. It’s. Like a master. Class.

Yeah, it is.


And that would be a piece of signature content for Rob carrots. So that’s a good example of what I call signature content and but, but you got to you got to produce your sees your content, you got to produce your remarkable content. And then another piece of content that I think. Overlaps all of that I was. Sitting in a webinar. With Smarty marketing yesterday that have kind of gotten to know those people pretty well, they’re really, for lack of better terms in SEO agency, but they do something that they call link worthy content and it’s not a new concept, but they kind of pioneered it like years ago, 10-12 years ago. The ideal of linkable. Or leak worthy content. It’s content that gets a lot of links because backlinks are still important in. The world of. Google so I I think. You’ve got to create linkable content, but you got to create remarkable content, I think. And So what I say is create content worth sharing. It is just so you know different. So out of this world that it’s so remarkable that it’s worth sharing. And then, of course, when you do that, lakes come right. So you’re not really even doing it for SEO sake, but it should actually help your SEO does that.

We go, we always talk about in a marketing space. Should you create content for SEO or you should you create content for the reader. What is your feeling on how we should create content?

Reader first.


But you you’ve had her on Maddy Osmond for her book. I think she wrote a very good book. Very. If you’re a. If you’re doing any kind of content on a regular basis, two books should be on your desk. In my opinion, Maddie’s book writing for humans and then and and robots operating how she frames.


And the second one is everybody writes by handling. Those two books probably should be.

And they’re both on and they’re both on. My desk, yeah.

And yeah, exactly and but. But you you’re right for the. I. Mean this is something we actually knew was coming right the the state of 2024 and that Google was trying to change stuff right now and it’s kind of a hot mess. So like for instance, Lily Ray, the SEO? Expert that I like to follow Twitter. Who? Who’s a DJ by night, so. I find her a very intriguing character. She was posting or retweeted something somebody else said in the in the phrase, and Google was. How to spot the signs of breast cancer or something like that? And the first three things were Cora and Reddit. Not exactly where you want to go. You know, that’s the SG. Like the the search engine generated, whatever that’s called the the, the, the little thing at the top that. Google starting to give for answers, quick answers, and they’re they’re putting up Cora and Reddit. So you you’ve got to stop worrying. So much about Google. Right now, because they’re kind of going through a massive they’re making some massive changes, some of it’s for the better and some of it’s, you know it’s they’re they’re like in the. Teenage years right now. You know they’re having they’re having trouble with their results and trying to straighten out stuff. A lot of people have seen their rankings tank or there’s traffic tank because Google made some. Adjustment in the last content update. So you’re better off writing for humans and they’ll that that comes with the formatting, the grammar, all the stuff. That Maddie talks. About her book. But it also comes with. Creating remarkable content. And. Which, you know kind of goes above the fray. There’s there’s a lot of characteristics of that. I didn’t pull that up before we got on. This what I should have done but. Things like having a subject matter expert in your content, engaging content, various types of engaging content, using storytelling. I like to talk about the audio framework relevant, engaging and original and with the original is an original angle on a topic because most topics have been discussed at this point. Right, so I have an original angle, original opinion and original research. Those three things would you know or or things that. Will drive that kind of. So if you do that and you you work at and you get better, you will create what I think is content that’s remarkable and worth sharing and sharing is where you. Can break through all that. SEO stuff. Now there’s another thing happening in the marketing space right now that is changing all this. The algorithms I call the algo gods, the algorithm, the algo gods and. The other algo. I’m I’m drawing a blank right. Now, don’t you love it when you’re on? A live show and draw a blank. But anyway, they’re all. They’re all make it’s harder and harder because it costs more to do what you used to do that. Nothing. So what’s happening is a, especially at the top of the marketing channels, right, the top marketers are saying we’ve got to go back to using brand awareness. This is where remarkable content can help you create that brand awareness. So we’re running into issues with Google. Not sure what it wants to do and the social media algorithms. Not sure what it wants to do and this pressing organic content and you’re paying more to boost content on social media. You’re paying more to get content distributed out there. So the the cost for for the REACH has gone up quite a bit. If you can create remarkable content and distribute it well. There’s a book that just came out by Ross Simmons. I highly recommend people get. It’s called create once, distribute, distribute forever. But the idea of distributing you have to reformat, you have to take the content because these days to really be successful, especially organically as you almost have to reformat stuff, you can’t just.


A bland post up anymore. It’s not going to go anywhere. You got to drop a video in. You got to drop. You know, a funny sketch there. There’s a guy I watch almost every Friday named Chris Bogue? I think his name. Some of the funniest stuff I’ve ever seen. He has this one. He does it once or twice a. Month called Death Stop PowerPoint. And it’s a. It’s a webinar I guess. I don’t know what you call it. He’s really an improv comedian. By a trade doing marketing. And so we get in there and he gets 3 volunteers and he gets the they don’t know what the PowerPoint’s going to. Play and they have to improv through the PowerPoint. It is hilarious. Some of the stuff that guys come up with and I laugh and I tell Chris I said this is the best webinar I’ve ever been to my life. It’s so funny. You gave me.

Like. Yeah. And I want to show one more book out there while we’re talking about books. Is our good friend Andy Crescendo’s book about Hunter Craig’s handbook? Yeah, I mean it. It’s designed. It sits on my night stand every night. And it’s designed not to be read. And Andy will tell you that. But it’s designed as a reference.


Not covered. Yes you will.

Like and I think it is the best all inclusive reference guide out there.


And by the way, if you’re not following Andy on LinkedIn, go look him up because he’s worked every every dime and the other guy that I think is really good around this whole content strategy is David Gearhart, who’s now running exit 5 and has been with about to do the startups. I think David does.


A really good job running talking about content as well.

But if you gonna throw David out, we’ll throw spark Toro out and Amanda and David, I could never say my right. Her name right. Not not to, not to beat or something like that. Anyway. She she’s highly engaging and there’s she put a post a link in was meant to be funny, but it got so much traction. Because we were all commenting right. And so it was like, I can’t even, you know, there was a feature on LinkedIn and you in both her and David had them turned on where you pretty much had to know the e-mail address to connect with them. So she said. I can’t even connect with Dave Gerhard because of this feature and everybody starts talking about you know, how, how funny. It is whatnot. And they’re laughing and we should have, actually. All I had to do was e-mail you. And I said and weren’t you on his podcast? Maybe it was. David had said that. I don’t know. Anyways, that’s funny. They couldn’t connect the LinkedIn. Even though they knew each other like you. And. I because they they had both had the feature turned on. They had to use the right e-mail address or something. I love. I think they’ve since left that rule, but that turned into a very engaging post and it had nothing that really, I mean very little to do with business. But Dave is a. Super shark guy. I listen to him all the time. I’ll say this about Andy. His articles that the articles that they do at or at media, which is a. Web. Based company, I mean they they do websites, that’s what they do for a living is the best content marketer in the web space bar none from my in my opinion, the articles are incredible. But, but they’re very practitioner. He admitted that there’s not a lot of aspirational stuff in there, but it’s very practitioner type articles and he use yours truly as a subject matter expert in one of his articles. So that’s kind of cool and he’s a good.


Yes. So let’s get back to coaching for a SEC. So if you were starting off with somebody new in the B2B space and you had three suggestions, you could give them to win with their content right away, can you? Give them please.

Ohh right away.

Well, you know, I mean, I’m still big on building your brand. Ohh, you know, so you can build brand awareness that’s like foundational it. You know it it depends on your.

Personal, personal or business, right? Your goal.

Company. If your company is tied around you, like, for instance, you’re you’re studying digital marketing, but everybody knows that’s right, Karen. So you building a personal brand is is probably going to help your business. Now if you’re a an expert in the field for many, many years, but you’re at a company and you think maybe one day you might, you know. You on your own or have your own deal like like Dave did they? Gerhardt worked at two or three big CMO for large companies, but he built his brand on his side. Now if you think you’re going to die with the company. In other words, that’s you’re going to stay there till the end. You know, as long as the company’s doing well, you build the company, it really doesn’t matter. When you talk about personal brand, there’s a whole. Lot of authority building with that. It’s like you got. To prove that you’re authority and there’s. Other stuff about that, but if. You’re talking about making quick gains. I would help people build. You know, we would talk about can we build a link worthy remarkable. Piece of content that can be put on their article, you know, put on their website quickly so that will help with the brand awareness. And now I still think you know all the things that you need to do in a brand awareness so. And I say this, you know, I’ve always said about pages of mini brand story. Well, forget that. It just is a brand story. It is a brand story for you. You as a person or your company, your about page is that crucial? All the things you have to do to create a good about page like what is your target audience, you know you know, what is your differentiation, those kind of things are going to help immensely with building the content like a link worthy asset or something like that. The other thing I would consider doing is helping somebody come up with something consistent that would be known as their. Signature content. So for you you’ve already done this TM. Show that that that’s in place that that don’t stop but somebody new, you know. OK, do you want to do a podcast? You want to do you know how how do we make it uniquely yours? If it is a podcast, it’s funny because all the podcast coaches out there are still saying. There’s, there’s a lot of podcasts, but there’s still room for more, which kind of blows my mind. But if they’re saying that maybe there is. But you know, come up with something, a unique format. Either podcasting may not be your thing, you. May not like. Talking on audio, so maybe there’s something else you could do. Maybe you have some really good design chops. Well, let’s. See what we can do with that. You know, it kind of. Depends on the content you’re trying to put out there. So I have started something to link in and you know I’m I’m I’m trying to make myself keep doing it. It’s called story time, story time and Todd Jones. And they’re these little like 5 minute or less videos I put on LinkedIn. I’ve done three of them now I believe and. You know, I’ve gotten some response from them, but you know, I’m trying to connect myself with content that storytelling base. And so, you know, we’ll see obviously website copy framework is something I’m known for. So, but yeah, probably. Just quick wins is like let’s find some kind of lynch worthy asset you can build. Now that will take some time to create.


And probably a one off, unless you can do something consistently. OK, we’re going to do this every Thursday for, you know, whatever. So that’s probably what. But what I would probably do if they’re supposed to be their first time saying, what is it you want to work on? I don’t even like to use the word coaching to be honest with you. But that’s really. What it is? I feel like your coach. Has to have. Credentials and all that kind of. Stuff. OK, my. Credentials is doing this for 15 years. How about that? And touching every every part of the funnel along. The way, but I don’t have.

Are you, are you? I agree with that comment about credentials not to cut you short. I think a lot of people look for credentials because they don’t know what to ask. So it’s easier to say, do you have ABC letters after your name and you take somebody like myself? I always joke and people, you know, you see my e-mail signature. It’s pretty basic until I’m passed off and then I have an e-mail signature that’s got 3 lines of credentials on it and and honestly.


Credentials only matter for as far as I’m concerned for the HR department and the uneducated people, the average person would rather getting somebody who can do it. Then it’s certified to the Knights, right?

Let let me. Just say I think there are some. Areas in which, when you’re a coach. You should have credential. If you’re doing certain things, and because I I actually have a friend and I don’t know that he does much of it anymore, he’s more of an operational consultant. But he had coaching credentials and it was kind of a life credential, life coaching deal and all that kind of stuff. Like you don’t want somebody Willy nilly doing life coaching for you if they’re a therapist or something like that. If it’s, if it’s getting the therapy or certain areas where there’s a lot of regulations, for instance, financial planning, you don’t want.

That’s different.

Some Joe. Doing financial planning, I’m going to go see Brian. The guy that does financial planning for my entire family, who’s been doing this for 30 years and has all the.

Hang on a SEC. Hang on a SEC. But for financial planning, I agree with you. You need to be certified. But then my question would be what have you done with your own portfolio? What have you done with your own finances? Because here’s the problem with credentials. A lot of guys get credentials on paper, but when it comes to reality.

I’m sorry. Ohh well. Oh, sure.

Experience, they know. SFM.

Notice notice I said about Brian has been doing this for 30 years and he does it for my entire family. Yeah, my brother and my mom. So while I don’t look at the charts and whatnot, I I know he’s taking care of my mom because he meets with her once a year. I mean, and and you know, so. So I I get, I know. There’s a there’s a personal. Experience there, I know. That Brian can do that and I’m. Fine, but I don’t even ask what his credential is really at this point I just assume at this point he’s been in the game long enough. He had to have some kind of conventions that get there. There are just certain industries, I think as a coach, you probably need to have some kind of credentials and the experience and success that you talked about, unfortunately maybe 10 or 15 years ago. I should have done the HubSpot. Certifications, but I didn’t. Maybe that would give me. A little bit more. Social proof, but anyway.

So moving on a little bit, we’ve talked about some things that you should do. What is the number one thing if you’re coaching somebody, you tell them not to do with the content.

Be met. Be bland right to corporately and too many. Too much jargon, you know, right everything straight up from a I I’m. I’m not going to tell somebody. Don’t use AI just more or less use it as a tool not to completely generate your content. So, you know, I kind of have benchmarks that kind of things, guardrails, if you will, that I that I you know view is you know good content and it it’s come over a period of time. I mean I can remember I used to go to tutorial Tuesday by copy hackers and she’s this I call her. The queen of. Uh. Conversion, copywriting. Joanna weave. She’s a Canadian, so she must be OK, right? She told how they did their blog post that copy hackers and it literally blew my mind. So that’s a lot of work to do that, but that these agencies. Who are doing? 20 contents pieces a week are never gonna do. And as a result, she said, we don’t focus on the SEO, but our stuff just ranks well. She was really, if you will, doing a very authoritative human driven content. On their blog post that ranked really well without them really focusing on SEO too much. I’m sure they had all the technical things in place, you know, structure wise on the website, but they became an authority and so you got to give her and her team a lot of credit. For that and. So that that kind of like. Started getting me to think about what is good content. I’ve since added to that. I think that more engaging content is. You know, dealing with sensory language, you know, getting people to feel if you can write a piece of content, they get somebody to run through a wall, then it’s like they listen to a dusty Rhodes promo called hard times in 1985. And I don’t think content gets. People to feel enough. And emotion in marketing is ever.



Yeah, it’s a. It’s a huge part. In fact, I was listening to a short section. Think it was Dave, a guard actually talking to Talia Wolf, who’s a convert. I heard the conversion rate optimization when she was talking and and she’s big on using emotion. She that’s kind. Of been her calling card. She said there’s studies that actually show that in B2B marketing, emotions are even more important, which is the size now. It has to do with what?


Is going to connect for the individual person, so it may not necessarily be the needs of the company. It may be like, OK, this makes me look better as an employee because I saved us money by doing this or whatever, but not necessarily a. Yeah, it’s it’s fascinating.

But sometimes it’s little things like I’ve had multiple comments, regular listeners and viewers of this podcast will know. I dedicate this podcast to my White father at the end of every episode. Yeah, and I’ve had multiple people over the years come back and say that touches them and they can relate. So half the thing about emotion is being able to relate to what somebody is feeling. And I think as marketers, too many marketers are too bland and they don’t. Pull on emotion and that’s a big of an issue thing and some money.

You’re boring. You’re boring. They’re just very boring. And right now, you know. Go ahead and stay boring, but. And it’s bold to do this right? So you come to me and I’m saying, OK, you need to do this. I’m probably going to get pushed back. Like, no, that’s just too much. That’s too much. This too much emotion. Whatever. You know, I I get that. So it takes some, you know, courage to do some of this stuff to be bold, to put yourself out there to do something so unique. That has never been done before. And oh, I would love to do that with some origin stories. So if anybody wants to do an origin story and we want to do something unique and how this world, let me know, we’ll we’ll do something. I feel like boring stories. Read more like a boring. I’m sorry. Origin stories read like a boring sales letter and less like a Netflix documentary. Our Netflix series. Let’s see if we can get order stories to be more like the Netflix series. I’m going through the the Narco series right now. I’m in in the Mexico one. I mean, I’m it it it just pulls you along. But I think some people think that’s emotional manipulation. I think you’re just tapping into something. The thing about your.


Bad is this and then and there, there’s actually both. Kendra Hall and. Karen Heber talked about it in their book, but. You talk about your debt, so when somebody listens, you’re talking to I’m dead against. My dad, blah blah blah. Then somebody hears that and they remember their dad. And if it if it’s a good memories like you have, then it’s going to really resonate deeply. It’s a little thing. You what I learned in storytelling from Kendra’s book. You don’t necessarily have to give all the details you guys got to give enough because our brains will fill in the details with our own life. It is very powerful. So just you saying that little blurb at the end, I dedicate this to my late.


That fills in the details for somebody else is like. Oh yeah. I, you know, I do a lot of things. I think about my father, so yeah, I can I. Can definitely see that.

It’s been great conversation is somebody wants to talk to you about coaching. How is the best way or some help?

Well, copyright.com, I think I have. A. Page for that. Hold on, let me just check real quick. Because.


You could do one. For directly, for your about page, that’s. Something that is a I think I have a coaching base, but I. Can’t figure out where it’s at. But you can do the the about page coaching and the and on the home page at the very top it’s got web service, web copywriting and about page services. I think both of those links have a coaching. A page on there, but I probably should get a. Get my coaching page somewhere where people can find it a little bit easier, but yeah, you go to copyflight.com and you can send a message to the form. I send you a a stripe link and we’ll get started. You can do it one of two ways, one-on-one, coaching for content we can meet in person. You and I are doing right now for. An hour or. Whatever. And discuss whatever you’ll talk. About or you can do an. Asynchronous, which is is a something I’m experimenting. Instead of meeting one to one at the same time, you send me like, OK, this is this is. A piece of content I want to work on this. Is what I have a question about and I reply with an e-mail video. Like a little video or something like that. Give you my thoughts and then we can carry that conversation on, you know, for a couple of times. And that’s the asynchronous coaching. So it’s a little bit different than the 1:00 to 1:00. It’s there’s a little bit less time involved in terms of well this, you know, you don’t have to like meet at the same time. So. I kind of. Keep that cost a little. Bit lower, so it’s a great way. To try out if. If I’m somebody that you can use. A little bit less cost so.

Thanks, Todd, and have yourself an awesome day, my friend, as always.

Thank you. Have a good one

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