Episode 454 My AI Journey With Jan Koch

Show Summary

Rob Cairns talks to Jan Koch about his AI journey.

Show Highlights: 1. Jan’s AI Journey. 2. A product he is developing for AI. 3. Where AI is going.

  • Jan’s AI Journey.
  • A product he is developing for AI.
  • Where AI is going.

Show Notes



Hey everybody. Rob, Cairns here and in today’s show, I’m my good friend. Mr. Jan Koch from Germany with me. How are you?


Really good. Good to see you again.


It’s always good to see you. We were just talking before we went to record. We’ve had to reschedule this couple of times. You know, life gets in the way, doesn’t it, my friend?


It sure does, especially when you have two young kids.


Two young kids and in. In this case, you’re an older guy who’s gone through his own health problems. So, you know, I. As I said to you, hope all is well and let’s just keep making it. Well, families, everything we work for is.


Yeah. That’s why I became an entrepreneur in the 1st place actually.


Yeah, it’s so. True, we’re gonna. Talk to AI tonight and the conversation will probably get interesting. Talk a little bit about some things you’re doing. How did you get into AI? And I know you and I met. Let’s profess that way in the WordPress space many, many years and we’ve we’ve known each other a long time. We stay in.




Touch we have. LinkedIn chats that seem to go on for days or weeks, depending on the mood we’re in, right? And how did you end up transitioning from word press to a?


It started in 2019 at the end of 2019, I stumbled upon a tool back then called conversion AI, now better known as Jasper, and I was one of the 1st 100 people who got on the platform and who got to play with it. And I realized back then. This thing would speak English as good as I can, and granted I’m not a native English speaker, but I I know my way around the English language and I realize back then that I was going to be big in terms of marketing and things like that. So I started playing around with that in my day-to-day. And sooner than later I started writing code with AI and I saw that somehow in the WordPress industry it wasn’t picked up as much as it was in other places. And then something really interesting happened. Interesting from my perspective, bad for the person that happened to friend of mine inherited a business. So his his stepfather passed away unexpectedly. And then there was a CEO put in place because everything was arranged for for the worst case scenario that CEO after like 10 months. Maybe a year. Got a burnout and almost drove the business into the ground before that, so my body had to jump in and try to rescue the company and it was a small business like 20 people they they were a big retailer for fish and other fresh foods that had to be delivered. In in cool trucks, so everything had to be just in time and very, very, very well organized. And that that was tricky, because when he came into the business, even though he worked there before, for a couple of years to help out, he didn’t know Jack squad about what the day-to-day was about. So he didn’t know what contracts were in place. He didn’t know who was in charge for which customer. He didn’t know the order schedules. He knew nothing. So. He came to me. There was end of 2022, early 2023. Is there a way to use AI to help me with this, to organize the knowledge that we have in the business? And that was the time where this thing called retrieval augmented generation came up where you train or not not really training AI, but you give AI a body of knowledge and instead of the AI pulling from the data it has been trained on or researching in the web, it just draws the answers. From this body of knowledge that you gave it. And that’s what we started working on back then and now we transitioned into a different industry, which we might get to talk about later on, but that’s how I got started outside of WordPress with AI.


That’s really interesting. And the lesson in all this is with your buddies father passing away is if you’re running a business, make sure you have a bit of a succession plan if something happens to you, right, we all get sick and things happen and. Yeah. You know, that’s just the way it goes. I mean, even I’ve been through some health problems, so we all as entrepreneurs, we all gotta prepare for that eventuality. I hate to say it right.


Yeah, yeah, it’s not fun, but luckily that’s also something I personally can use AI to help with, and I see others do the same, so there’s the obvious things like making sure somebody else has access to your accounts. User password manager and share the log in with somebody you trust. Maybe another person in the business. May maybe family member or close friend or somebody. If you’re an entrepreneur, make sure that somebody can access the bank accounts, the billing systems or everything that that renews at some point in terms of license fees that needs to be taken care of. But then the more tricky thing, at least in my book, is how do I make sure that person? Also knows what’s happening in the day today, so I I write the documentation whenever something new gets added to the business like we’re building a new component in the sales, I’m hiring somebody new. I’m introducing a new tool.




But I’m documenting that using AI, so I just feed the bullet points into AI. It writes a full blown document and then I store it somewhere.


Yeah, so, true. Good idea. AI is interesting because I’ve been saying for months AI’s been around since before we coined the term AI like real, and I’ll I’ll take him part and check Photoshop. Photoshop has had AI built-in capabilities for managing photos forever, packages like this. Script which a lot of podcasters used to do their show notes before it was called. AI has been out. There to to do our show notes for us. So I know. The phrase has become all the buzzword and we can thank the folks over at ChatGPT for that. Right? Really. Yeah. There’s so much more to AI than ChatGPT.


It is and what I what I see all across the globe really is that due to the economic downturn that we are all facing. I see businesses cutting costs left, right and center like everywhere I was attending a politics meeting the other day like like 2 weeks ago. And we had the President from a big matter production association like all all the big producers in the in Germany that are in in automotive. And producing something with steel or with electronic goods. He was the president of their association and he brought some numbers with him for the first time in 15 years. The Germans themselves say Germany won’t be that one of the top leading nations in 10 years. For the first time in 15 years, the Germans classified themselves as an unattractive. Economic place to be. Then yesterday there was the was a future oriented festival called Grow Morrow. Here in in the area and we had one of the biggest investors here called Frank Teilen, who was kind of like the the Mark Cuban of Germany, if you will. He’s been he’s been pretty big. He’s doing something like Shark Tank here in Germany as well. And he said that Germany has never been more unsupporting of small business and founders. It’s never been as expensive. And for the region where I live, 63% of people that are employed work in something related to auto. Motive. And automotive is on the floor here in Germany because we we missed the boat with electric mobility and things like that. And Doctor Schmidt, the President of the association, said the other day, as I had a call with him, that the production costs in Germany are three, 100% higher than even just Romania. Don’t get me started about all the other even further E countries, even just Romania.


It’s not. It’s on the floor everywhere, actually. Like Canada is a big in the Toronto area. We kind of have a couple of big GM plants. And they’re just putting some more electrical stuff in the Canada. But as a rule, the automotive industry struggled. And the reason is cars are now being made in places like Korea and places like out of traditional car manufacturing places. And I think that has been a big impact on it too. And even in China, they make their own EV’s, right in China now.


And and they are competitive. Yeah, they aren’t bad. And the The thing is that. We talk about all these big industries and listeners might be wondering why is he talking about that? What? What does that have to do with my own business? But those big juggernauts in the industry on the global market, they trickle down, they they feed all those smaller businesses. And then there’s another layer below that. Treats the clients that you are working for, and suddenly those companies don’t get paid anymore and they can’t pay us in return and therefore we need to cut costs. In Germany there there’s this this dichotomy where at some at some scale companies need to cut costs. So they are letting go of people on the other side of the coin, they are trying to hire for different positions and they can’t find people because there’s a massive shortage of skilled labor here. So what are we left to do there? There is only AI.


To fix this, it’s so true and the other thing we gotta realize. You know, it’s funny. Like when I think about AI. And I sort of think about it. Everybody thinks of the two things that come to mind right away or three things. One is ChatGPT, right. And we know about the chat GP T-shirt show with the Theo leaving and coming back and that’s.




All that. And that and part of that, what brings that on is catchy PT. A nonprofit company, but their parent companies are for profit company, and every time we do this. Do I say WordPress all over again? You know, you know. What happens?


Right. There’s always room for drama.


It’s a bit of a. There’s always room for drama, and then you’ve got the mass. And then when I think I right away the two things that come to my mind beyond ChatGPT is mid journey whichever is for photos. And then the third thing that comes to my mind, because I’m a Google user and a pixel user is Gemini. And then. That’s so I’m kind of been all in with Gemini for a number of months just because I’m already in the Google ecosystem. I’m already playing with it. Do you have any thoughts around those kinds of tools?


I don’t think the difference is as big now as it was just 12 months ago and I I think that the difference between the tools will they will become even closer and I think at some point we will not be able to distinguish. I personally use GPT’s. GPT. I started using the new grok grok too mini that that’s fun. That that’s good for brainstorming sessions and things like that. Mostly what we rely on on the business front is the ChatGPT API or we use offline models like the Llama 3.1 or something like that because we’ve got some clients. One of them is in the logistics space. They work with companies on a very, very heavy NDA. Cases that are in in sensitive areas like military for example, yeah, so nothing can leave their servers for those clients. So we have to use offline. The other client that we use it for is in the medics medicine space. So.




When when you care, when you work on medical data and personal data at the same time, you have to be really, really careful. Otherwise it becomes expensive really fast.


Especially when the lawyers get involved, need that same lawyer, right? I mean.




I don’t know if you know, but I worked in IT and healthcare for 21 years, so I I understand what’s 1 of Trump’s biggest hospital. So I understand that deal more than most people and it’s and in a lot of respects and I hate to say it, the medical field is so far behind our privacy laws like they’re.


Had no idea.


There a lot of them still use things like fax machines because they think they’re secure, they’re not secure.


They they’re not storing the facts in digital form on the machine. No, they would never do. That.


No, no, no, nothing, not. You know, in Canada, in Ontario, it only became because of COVID. The pharmacist could take requests for prescription refills by e-mail recently at.


Very similar here, yeah.


And now they can because COVID changed all that. But I mean, I’m sorry there’s no data concern. If I send my pharmacy and say refilled the script and refilled. The script what e-mail?


In Germany, they’re rolling it back now because they they want the people in the pharmacies again. But yeah, and I I feel like you’re you’re hitting the nail on the head right now because the situation that I see with our our leads and our businesses is they are so occupied with putting. Tie us out everywhere that they don’t have the bandwidth to think about any strategic decision making. They they know AI is a big thing. They know their competition is using AI. I was just meeting this morning with with the logistics company. CEO, they are technologically ahead of the game because they are a business that gets asked. Asked by Mercedes, by Scania, by MA, and all these big truck companies send their newest model to his company for Real world test drives like Michelin. The the tire company. They did a test for a tire where they said one tire, one truck. So they had this tire. A truck could drive 500,000 kilometers on. That’s like 360 ish 1000 miles roughly. And then the tire would go into the Michelin factory, would get refurbished. Would only receive 5% new material, 95% reuse, and they would drive it for another 450,000 kilometers. That that’s the level of of standing they have with the product. And he can only talk about AI with me and we are going to do some workshops most likely. And they’re they’re test driving the platform and stuff, but he could only talk about this because he’s getting ready to retire and he’s pulling himself out of the day today. Most people they know it’s important, but they they don’t make the time for it because they think. Putting out the fire now is more important than preventing the fire tomorrow.


Isn’t that always the case in technology? I hate to say it. I mean, whether you’re doing AI, what are you doing? Support. What are you doing day-to-day operations? I’ve seen this time and time again. Companies don’t invest in the future because they’re too busy squandering now, and if they invest it in the future, they would be 10 times better off than where they are. So no question. So let’s jump in. What are you working on right now? Can you share?


Yeah. So we’ve got a SaaS business in the logistics industry and to set the stage in Germany, the the dispatchers at the at the logistics business coordinate via WhatsApp with their drivers and most often also with their contractors. And with their customers so they receive, let’s say, WhatsApp or an e-mail with a PDF that says truck A has to go from here to here pick up this type of freight, deliver it to this place and this place what we do is we go into the PDF, we extract all the important data, we notify the truck driver. Who’s assigned to this tour? About the data on WhatsApp, we monitor the entire conversation the driver has with the dispatcher so that we always know, OK, there. Is there a problem? Is the truck on time thing. Like that and that that’s 50% of the solution. The other 50% is we hook into the the CAN bus system. So this is a system installed on every single truck, all the truck models. What they do is they have IoT devices that you would get blue in the face. You know the you can monitor. Obviously GPS and mileage and things like that. You can monitor the percentage. The gas pedal is put down. You can monitor how many. Meters the brake was applied. You can monitor every single thing and what we do is we pick up that data, put it into context with what? The what, what the customer, what the truck driver and the dispatcher are communicating on WhatsApp and we build a real time dashboard where color-coded green, yellow, red. The dispatcher gets. The one-on-one glance can see OK, I need to take care of this drug. This drug is delayed. These 10 trucks, they are fine. They are on time. Everything’s working smooth. Actually, and we we save them from having to juggle 3 or 4 tools at the same time to get the same.


Information how is the interest in this in the industry on this new SaaS product?


We’ve got 1 pilot client who is raving about it. They have like 250 trucks roughly and the trucks usually do at least one tour a day. And then in the afternoon, they received the tour for the next. OK, we see the this man I met with the morning. He is the President of of one of the truckers associations. So he he was quite open about it. It probably isn’t the best fit for his style of business, but he’s going to organize that. I can speak in front of the association and and tell them what we do with AI. So that the business and the market gets an. Year overall, it’s a very conservative market like with most industries they they are really set in how it has worked for the past 1520 years. There is this change a little bit, but what yeah, but once they see the dashboard and once they see the the demo data flickering up and seeing updates in real time.


Oh, just.


And seeing colors change, then they start to see, oh, this is how I would use it in my business. This is how it would actually save my dispatchers how I can. Probably I probably don’t need to hire two more dispatchers to keep up with market demand, or I can probably let go of to to save my company because I can reduce the cost because the dispatcher in Germany that’s €70,000 in salary per year, they they make really good money because they are in high pressure. Situations. So if a company can can let go of one or two, it’s obviously bad for the person, but I’d rather save the company and let two people go, then have 10 or 20 people become jobless.


So true in terms of financial and I’m not gonna ask your numbers cause that would be unfair. And you know that. But I will ask, is this financially gonna be financial revenue generating for you? And obviously it’s gonna save the truck companies. Using it money because it’ll save them a dispatcher, but is it? Worth it? Fine.


Yeah, it’s it’s a fun, fun model. It’s like, you know, the 10X rule for, for how you set prices that you deliver at least 10X the value we are above that in terms of our pricing, we deliver more than 10X.


Ohh good. So is it been? How long have you been working on this project? Yeah.


This this one is for three months now and we we are close to to finishing the version so that we can roll it out across the market in an automated funnel right now. It’s really one to one getting the first let’s say 25 customers on the platform. And by by then it it will be a six figure business on our end already.


Are you using developers? I would assume offshore somewhere.


Hmm yeah, I do. I do have multiple offshore, so we’ve got a team of 40 people right now because I’ve raised some business, Angel money and one of the business angels has 13 other businesses, one of which by accident is a software development agency that has worked in automotive. And we can tap into their resources. At any time.


Is that? I take it running a team of 40 has some project management challenges for you at the best of times.


Rarely, because they’ve got really capable project managers and usually I I just meet with them every once in a while and we we make sure everything’s running in place and then I do have a a developer that’s working outside of that array. And I with with him, I coordinate more closely for some urgent fixes and some things like that, but it’s really smooth usually.


And I and I have to go here and you’ll smile at me because you know my business is focused on. How’s the security issues running this product in this day and age?


Yeah, it it it.


You were going to check.


It it is, it is relevant of course. We have a couple of ways to deal with this, so with our clients in the medical space and the other logistics client I talked about earlier, we set up the system on premise in their network. So essentially I hand off all responsibility to them and I just make sure the the platform keeps running on their end.




More knowledge management platform. So retrieve log meter generation rather than this logistics truck management. Thing for the for that manages the trucks, it’s interesting on the, on the good thing is there’s not much real personal data that’s being used. It’s just the number plate of the truck go to go to ID and deliver to Coca-Cola, something like that. That’s pretty straightforward. That’s pretty easy. We do have our measures, of course, and the Agency also has a PEN testing department that when we are ready and when we see the need to get certified, we could do that in. House.


Yeah, I I would suggest getting certified. Is it? It’s the whole perception out there. We all saw what happened to cloud flare, not cloud flare. Sorry. Crowd strike recently. Crowd strike. Yeah. And. And to be fair, I I mentioned cloud fair but they’ve had some hacking problems too. So I mean there’s been there’s been all kinds of stuff like if I had a a dollar for every hacked. Article I read this morning.




Would have retired like a year ago, yes.


Yeah, there’s but, but on the other hand, I think that that there there’s a trade off right now. We are at the stage where I say we take care of security and please trust us because I don’t want to invest the money to get certified because that is an expensive process at some point.


It’s getting.


You are right. We we will need to and probably that will. To be because the ultimate goal is to to sell that platform eventually and to to have an exit. And when we get ready for those conversations, we will need to be certified in order to be an attractive purpose.


Here’s the key I love. I love you saying that. So you’re you’re pretty upfront. Your goal is not to be in this long term, but to sell the platform this off to somebody else, so. I find that interesting.


Yeah, I I want to keep the business. I I want to keep the business long term. I really enjoy working on corporate data works and I love the team that we have built. But the business isn’t tied to the platform that we are building. AI is such. A vast space. And I’m I’m talking to some other interesting companies right now. One is in the financial industry, they are essentially an IT consulting company that helps banks and hedge funds and companies like that set up their infrastructure in the right way and they just consult with those companies.





And they they are getting ready to build AI into their processes and through the network that I have, I got in touch with their CEO and we’re now doing a workshop where I can talk to their team to make sure that the team is on the right track with what they’re doing and that they’re being efficient about. And that type of work will always continue. I love doing that. I love coaching people. I’m about to launch a mentoring program where I help developers get ready to use AI or where I help companies get AI ready in their tech. But the platform for the trucks. There are really big players in this space that can’t do what we do so.


That’s awesome though.


I’ll leave it. At that.


Yeah, you are a. You have always been good at coaching and teaching and I’m glad to see jumping in there. I think that’s where you and I are very similar. I like coaching and teaching too as well. So I think I think that’s the real value. Anybody can build a platform, but to do a knowledge transfer that’s really hard I. Think.


Right. It is and I I can draw from experience now with this, you know, just just like you, I I always only teach what I know inside and out. I I’m not somebody who just read a book and says, OK, I can teach you on this that that that’s dumb. But that that’s also why I am eyeing an exit for the AI platform maybe. So for the next one that we are building there as well because there’s tons of opportunity in this space. And you can always learn new things as you use new components as you use no new approaches to this funny story. Yesterday on this festival I had a test drive with an electric car. It was a couper Tavas Khan. It’s not not out yet, but we we could test drive it there. And the guy sitting next to me from the manufacturer. Was actually a data scientist who was on a vacation job for the manufacturer doing those test rides, and we spent the 20 minutes on the car talking, talking about AI and data science.


  1. I bet I I wish there was a bug on the wall for that. Conversation. And The thing is, what you’re doing in AI today, what people don’t realize is AI is moving so rapidly. So just to put things in context for people who do simple things like buy computers and buy tablets and buy phones. I truly believe the smartphone and the computer. Business and having come from that background, had been at the point where it was stagnant and gonna stop and then AI kicked around and AI’s forcing all the processing chips to be higher and all the memory to be higher. And I didn’t see that one coming. To be fair, I don’t think any to to this degree. So AI is kind of.




We revolutionizing the whole tech market right now, so this. Week, even from a hardware perspective.


It it is and there there are two things I want to say about this or three things actually. Let me get the first one out of the. OK, for everybody who’s watching and not just listening. I’m holding up my plot AI device. This is an AI device that attaches to my iPhone via MX safe. It transcribes it, or it summarizes, transcribes, analyzes all the calls, all the meetings that I do. So I don’t have to take notes and meetings anymore. I just get the summary from AI. This is a game changer because usually you can’t. You can’t record phone calls easily on mobile phones. You can’t record you. You can record teams calls and zoom calls and things like that. But the regular good old phone call. When you when you’re driving in the car, elite calls you or you have to call Elite because you want to use the time when you’re commuting, you can’t take notes because you have to steer in full. Self driving isn’t here yet. That is now taken care of with AI that that’s the one thing. The other thing is people need to understand that. AI is more than Chet GPT. The AI is more than writing social media posts. I I see so many people.




Ohh they they know AI is important. They don’t know how to apply it to their business and what I always say is look at the processes that take you a lot of time and a lot of manual work. One thing from the logistics meeting this morning is that they have this, this exchange where all the the free cargo that that is up for. For trucks to grab and then to deliver is listed and where where logistics companies list their available trucks so that people who have to ship stuff can pick their truck or order order the shipment and things like that. And it is up to the dispatcher to decide whether or not an offer makes sense, whether the price is good, whether the route is feasible with all the regulations that you have, that a trucker can only drive 4 hours at a time, then they need to make a break. They can only drive 8 hours a day. On occasions they can drive 10 hours a day. All those things that. Involve human. Decision making and human experience. I took a photo of one of the tour of us, put it into Chichi PT, and asked Chatty BT given these circumstances, is this a good tour to take? It did if 95% correct assessment of the tour. What what people need to understand, especially the solopreneurs and the the business owners that are so tied up in their day-to-day, you need to get into this mindset. How can I help me with this? And you need to start trying things out. I now have a I organized my meetings. Your emails I have AI transcribed important meetings. Obviously AI writes 90% of the code that I built for the SAS platform. AI writes the code documentation. AI handles my invoices. There’s so many different things that.


AI, even AI, even does the show notes I do for this podcast. So I mean you I mean.


Right. Yeah, you would be stupid not to use it.


My rule of thumb is, as an entrepreneur, AI aside, if you’re going to do a test two to three times in one day, find a way to automate it, and yeah, it’s just another automation tool as far as I’m concerned.

Speaker 3

It it is and we’ve got so many recurring tasks in our day-to-day that we don’t realize because there is such so much hectic that we aren’t aware that these things are even happening or. There’s so many tough calls that you have to make as a leader in business. There’s so many tough decisions that you have to make. You say I as a brainstorming partner, open up that GPT. You don’t need to tell them all the details. Just tell the AI. This is my situation. Here’s what I would do. What am I missing? What can go wrong?

Speaker 2

Yep, and and on a picture phone, just for interest sake, something I know that’s just. Say and I is Gemini. Now let’s you send it an SMS text message through Google messaging where you can message it. My phones coming up saying go ahead and text Gemini your prompt like hello.




That is nice. Yeah. Yeah. I I’ve done this, actually. I’ve built a sales agent because we are still a young company and I don’t have. Too many. These people, what I’ve done is I have everything in HubSpot as a free CRM. My sales agent goes through the open pipeline once a week, gives me a summary of all the open deals because all the emails and stuff are in there, it pulls out the objections and puts the summary into our shared slack channel so that everybody who’s working on the DLS knows exactly what to do. Next.


You know, such amazing, amazing technology. I I don’t even know what to say and what we need to get off is AI is not a job killer. And I’m gonna say this and say this again. AI’s. Job killed. Remember when the printing press was developed and everybody in the book industry said, oh, we’re not doing books manually. We got a problem. Guess what? Books are more plentiful than ever for ask Amazon how they started their business was a book company. There are more and more. And people read more and more. And I read more and more today than I ever have. So has the printing press hurt those jobs? No. It’s repositioned those jobs, and that’s what AI is starting to do. It’s repositioning jobs, not taking them away.


And I think that’s also the the job of the CEO’s and of the leaders nowadays is to you have to make the time. To learn about AI, you don’t need to understand it from the bottom up, but understand the use cases and then you have to allocate time to somebody in your team who is already a tech aficionado who’s enjoying working. This and then they need to develop a strategy. If you don’t have the capabilities in your team, get some outside help because here, here’s the thing, your competition is already using AI. You you can’t help it and it’s like the this hockey stick curve, right? It starts very, very slowly and you don’t you you wake up nothing. Changes you wake up, nothing changes. You wake up, nothing changes suddenly. Boom. Yep. The the market passed you. And then it’s too late. Then you can’t do anything about it. And you are out of business. And what what I feel is that this automation of day-to-day work. Applies to everybody, so there’s no excuse. I’m in this old industry. I don’t need this that. That’s. Dumb I’m working with tax accounting and automation automating the day-to-day in medicine in production, in steel manufacturing, in consulting, in logistics, you, you name it. And if you do business with other people. To communicate with humans, there is a way that AI can make life easier.


Yeah. So what, what I would say by the way, love the hockey stick reference. You have to sneak in a Canadian reference just to make your Canadian.


I couldn’t help myself.


And for those who don’t know, hockey is Canada’s national winter sports. So there you go. But but the the industry that seems to be lagging behind is a couple anything to do with finances. So insurance companies, investment firms. They like to hide behind old ideologies on old ways of doing things. Another industry in Canada. That’s a big problem is real estate. My mom is 79 years old. She still has a real estate license to sell, bless her heart. She still does some selling and will affect what impacts a lot of the older agents. That’s why they’re slow to adopt is they don’t like change and AI bringing change like daily and that’s just the reality. And I think the finance companies need to Start Stop hiding behind the. Old laws and figure it out. The other side is we need to get the governments on board with loss and that.


Ohh. That’s you’re opening a can of. Worms there let.


I know I did.


Let let me give you one example. Everybody who’s listening for Realtors and everybody in finance, the the single most interesting thing I get feedback on and the single most appealing use case for AI I when I speak to people in those markets is. Helping you get all the documents you need from your customers. If you are a realtor, somebody applies or wants to buy a home, you need to make sure that they’ve got their ducks in a row and they’ve got their things in order. So you need a few documents. Why not have an AI e-mail your prospects? Hey, we need this that. And the other thing from you, the AI monitors your inbox, tracks the documents they have sent, analyze. Is is if the questionnaire has been filled out properly. If they provided the the necessary detail. If the bank statements they send are valid things like that, you can also to AI at a very tiny fraction of investment that that’s like you’re talking about maybe 3 grand and it’s really cheap. To build these agents, but people think it’s AI that automatically costs like $500,000.


Anonymous. Yep, Yep. And on a multi $1,000,000 home, what’s St. rent at the end of the?


It’s nothing and it’s a one time thing and then you pay like €10 a month for ChatGPT API for the usage and you you save yourself 10 hours a week at. Least.


Yeah, so true. And that 10 hours a week. Translate that to what you would be paid hourly translates into 3 grand very, very quickly.


My friend translate that into two new deals per month because you’ve got more time closing.


Yeah, I agree with you a. I always love. Talking to you, we gotta do this again sooner than later. Promise.


Yes, please do.


Please do and you know where to find me. But and everybody knows where to find me. How can somebody find you if they want to talk AI or projects or anything like that?


So I’ve got my personal website up at yankov.co and you you’ll see all the details about my mentoring and what I do in AI and things like that there. The company website right now is focused on Germany, so it’s called right, data works the it’s 100% German, probably not as interesting. I get that. The best place to find me on social is LinkedIn nowadays.


And Google Translate works really well to translate your company website. I need to tell you that


Yeah. Well, we we don’t serve customers outside outside Germany with with our consulting and the the platforms right now the the mentoring I do on the personal side that’s global. But for the platforms we focus on Germany because that’s regulation enough.


Hey, Ann. Thanks a lot a bunch and be well and we hope talk to you very, very soon, my friend.


Thank you so much.

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