Episode 440: WordPress 6.6/6.6.1 and Beyond With Birgit Pauli-Haack

Show Summary

Rob Cairns talks all things WordPress with Birgit Pauli-Haack.

Show Highlights: 1. Bugs in WordPress 6.6 2. WordPress 6.6.1 3. Features in WordPress 6.6 4. The WordPress road map.

  • Bugs in WordPress 6.6
  • WordPress 6.6.1
  • Features in WordPress 6.6
  • The WordPress road map.

Show Notes

Hey everybody, Rob Cairns here and today I’m here with my good friend from Automattic and Gutenberg times Birgit Pauli-Haack. Hi Birgit, how are you today?

Hey, Rob, it’s so wonderful to be here. Thanks for having me.

Always a pleasure. This is like your third or fourth time or I’ve lost count. But I appreciate you so much. It’s been a fun.

Thank you.

Dude, it’s been a fun week. We’re press 6.6. You were just saying? Downloaded 140 million times. Doesn’t that say something about the progress of the WordPress project?

I think I said 6.5 was downloaded 140 million times, but I might have misspoken. Yeah, yeah. But yeah, that is that’s the count that.


Before the release. The release come somebody takes a screenshot of and says the 140 million times since the last major release. So well, it was quite a quite a release and the 6.6 I think in the first hour 5 million downloads came down. Yeah, it was really interesting to see.

Yeah. And 6.6 for those who don’t know and haven’t for Matt Moonly, Matt Poster was actually the 50th release in WordPress history. So that’s a big milestone in itself, I think.

Ohh yeah it is. Yeah, especially with with so many people involved. Yeah, 6.6 at about 630 Contra. That committed code to that and also helped with documentation and helped with marketing and and all the other tasks that have to be done during a release testing. So it was it’s, it’s a really a great team effort and it was. Yeah, I’m so glad that. All the contributors kind of contribute, contribute to it, and it’s a marvelous release, actually. Yeah. So has some great stuff in there.

And if anybody’s ever not doing anything on release date, I would encourage them. And I mean, they’re strongly even if you just watch join the wordpress.org slack group, go to the core channel and watch the release party and watch all the work that goes on because. I know this year, when six, six came out last Tuesday, I was at home working on some client stuff and I threw the release party up on a on a second monitor just to keep an eye on what was going on because it is. It is a show. If you’ve never watched one before. So go, go check one out. The only thing we ever ask you to do is once all these parties. Charts just don’t post anything about the release going on until we confirm the release is available, right? So that’s right. Something yes, but go go watch release party. It’s an interesting dynamic if you’ve never.

Yeah, it is. And uh, even if I’m not part of the released one and I haven’t been the last two releases, I always join one of the release parties just to test things. Yeah, to kind of test the update. And you use the two plugins and I’ll I’ll test. OK. Updating from 6.5 point. 526.6. Yeah. Does that update work? Does that update work from four point 6.7 or so? Yeah. So you could roll back and yeah, install it again. It’s actually a great measure to just test. Just smoke test. Yeah, but that the upgrades work, but you help so much. With it. So it’s a, it’s a great, great time to spend. Yeah. And you’re part of it.


And I would encourage anybody ahead of time, before we get to a release, grab one of the release candidates and throw it on a test site and and have or or use something like. We’ll we’ll go WP or playground or instant WP like choose one and go and have a look ahead of time so you know what you’re getting into. Because I think that really helps, especially when the phone starts ringing and the client starts saying help.

Yeah, yeah. And and there were quite a few changes and that 6.6 that kind of.

That’s great.

Changed some of the sidebar items in your post. And yeah, just finding out the new places where things are, where is the sticky post? How does the revision go? And yeah, ohh here’s the featured image in the sidebar. It’s all a little bit was reorganized, so it definitely helps when you use one of the release candidates and use it with playground, yeah. And you don’t have to mess with servers and anything else. Just go to playground.wordpress.net. And then you have an instant WordPress installation.

Yeah, that you can play with. I want to get to some features in 6.6, but we do know we had a bit of an issue with six.


Six. And we do know at the time of this record 6.6 point one is coming out today, one of the biggest issues being a style problem to do with links being underlined.


From all the research I’ve done, it looks like it’s predominantly with divvy themes. I could be wrong, but I think that’s I think I’ve heard of some other small cases, but I know I asked the question. There was a a discussion and post status going on and our mutual friend and your colleague, Rich Tabor. Jumped in and said last Thursday night said Ohh. I don’t think he’ll be wrong the codes already. Ready for it? It just wasn’t ready for the release candidate was the sense I got. I think what she said that exactly was I have to ask it was it.


Do you think it was a mistake to push the release through and hold back that piece of code? Should we have held the release back like we did with six? Five for a week. Or was this our best way to stay on schedule and just kind of deal with?

It well, if you really well, they didn’t know it before. It was just for that release and it was not figured to be a critical one because if you don’t update, you don’t have that problem. And so there was no and it was. Well, the issue was that that every site that had the issue felt being back in the 90s where all the links were underlined. Yeah, it’s. Yeah, it’s not something that didn’t work or that didn’t display it just looked differently. And with that decision, a design decision that to not. With underlines. On the link. So it’s it wasn’t a critical but at anything, but it was widespread, so the release team got together right after the release and say OK, let’s schedule the point release for in two weeks and start with the release candidate. Because we have a few bug fixes for that, there was another issue and they all had to do with the. Reduced specificity on CSS and Cascading Style sheets, which was before it was a major what’s hard for theme developers to override core blocks stylings and to make that.


Easier one had to kind of change the specificity from the core blocks. Of course with that. With that rolled out, what it meant that the previous fixes of core needed to be fixed or needed to be reduced or removed to kind of have it come back. But it is one of was one of the things that needed to be done and to be fixed. So the style variations that came also with 6.6 and what will come back will will also come in 6.7 that those work and the theme developers will have a better way of working with that. So it was a it was a B. Yeah. And there was a great testing done beforehand, also quite a few theme developers connected with the developers to kind of see, OK, where was that and how do we have to adjust it? But that particular piece, the DVD piece, yeah, where for whole page builder. That wouldn’t work. That was kind of not on the on the radar, but it is now and the release comes out tonight. I think it’s in an in an hour or two. Yeah, but that’s on July 23rd. So by the time you you listen to that, that’s all.

All done. All done and dusted.

Is German say yeah. German, say snow from yesterday.

Yeah, yeah, actually, actually, yeah. It’ll be just be a couple days later. So it’ll be all done and dusted by then, but it’s just it’s just interesting. And I think, you know this, we’ve talked a lot over the years. I have a bit of a background in tech support. Before that, have background in programming and the reality of it is you can never put out a product that’s 100%. Guaranteed, or we’ll be holding everything back till the cows come home. Like, honestly, we’ll just be waiting. So there becomes a point where you sit and I think I was. I was just thinking as we’re talking about that I managed from a security perspective right now I managed about 375 websites just from security. And out of those, I only had three TV sites, so you know that’s, that’s where I sit in this mess. So three of us. So I’ll take them.

  1. Yeah.

And I don’t think there were. From my standpoint, there was no order. I mean, there was some chatter, the usual people complaining about why this wasn’t picked up and my response was. That’s the way the. Cookie crumbles and.

We are all humans, yeah.

We’re all human, and then there wasn’t really, like I know was 65 when we held it back for that week. There was a lot of chatter about why we held. The back again we get automatic and releasing did the right thing as far as I’m concerned. And sometimes you just gotta kind of roll with it. So I I think a good job. And again just the real public. Thank you to Rich for getting back to me. Rich is always one of those go to guys who’s a pretty straight. Shooter for the automatic and you guys are really lucky to have him on his team because he knows what he’s doing and he was one of the lowest leads this time around. I believe so.

Yeah. Definitely no since. Absolutely.

Yep, so he’s he’s always always in the.


Before we move on, one subject, I do want to touch on and there’s been a lot of debate on is WordPress is insecure and I have to go as as being a security professional I have to go. Yeah. And what I would say. And we we’ve had a week, we at the time of this record, we’re coming out of Friday where we know what happened with the airlines and banks and hospitals in North America due to a product called crowd Strike and. And everybody looks at us and says WordPress is insecure and I read an article somewhere this week and somebody something up really nicely and they said and so is Microsoft and.

What am I?

Parallel is Microsoft is the leader in business operating systems in the world, not Apple, Microsoft.

Yeah, yeah, yeah.

And WordPress is the leader in what development and it’s not Microsoft typically or WordPress that makes it insecure. It’s the add-ons or the third party products. That aren’t tested properly. That caused the security problem. What do you think of that analogy?

I I like it. Yeah, I I I totally agree. There is there are multiple levels of security but WordPress had this one. Problem a couple of weeks ago where passwords for the WordPress plugin repository were compromised. Yeah, where? Because they weren’t guarded enough or there was no second two factor authentication in place and somebody got Aw.


Pulled of the password that came from a breach from a total different other system. Yeah. So there was a password file from, I don’t know which big app that was, but then the hackers went through that password file and applied it to the WordPress plugin repository. So somebody not only. Had an insecure password, but they’re also reused it on another site, so yeah, as I said, we are all humans and things are can get really messy fast when we don’t pay attention, and that is definitely password security is certainly something we all need to pay attention to. And not not necessarily reuse, not at all. Reuse passwords, but their password managers out there. Bit Warden is one. Google has a password manager, LastPass had itself password problems, so it’s one pass now. But yeah, try to. Yeah, people need to learn these things because our life depends on it, yeah. Well, we.

Yeah, I I agree with that.

Yeah, just miserable.

Yeah, I. And and I think honestly, I I think I’ve been beating a dead drum lately. Like I just, it’s a combination of passwords, two factor authentication and I was reading one form where Dev said I don’t like to turn 2FA on. It’s complicated for my clients. So my response is. It’s always that cross between. What walks down the site and what makes it easy to use? You know what I mean? Like for in this common Quander says the guy who’s had this credit card come for my six times in the last six months, by the way, just for the yes. So I understand that.

Yeah. Why? Ohh ****. Yeah, but you got help from the banks. Yeah, I hope.

Yeah, and I and I’ve been there. So it’s just you just got perfected. So 66. So we had a lot of cool stuff come out. 166 was the rollback feature.




Correct, yes, that was the rollback feature for updates.

What do you what do you?

What do?

You what do you think about the rollback feature?

Ohh it’s a great. Feature for your Peace of Mind. Yeah, your auto update, your plugins, you have that auto app that opt in. But if that doesn’t work because the plugin has a bug or something like that, there’s a safety of rollback. So you get the previous version back if something goes wrong. If a fatal error. Happens. Yeah, it’s. And and it only goes to the fatal error of when the update is applied and something happens. Yeah, then you repress now knows. OK, if we go back to the other version and try it again with humans involved. Yeah.

It’s a Firefox.

What do you think about it?

I like it. Now what I’ll also tell you is I’m not a big fan of automatic updates myself, so I’ve taken the approach. Over the years, unless I have a site that’s on a managed host, because then I don’t have a choice. That’s just the way my choice.


I generally turn auto updates off and the reason I do is.


I very much subscribe to the theory I need to take a backup before I do an update. So before 661 comes out, I’ve already set 3 and 75 websites to do backups. Extra backups because I learned backups in my head. So for me it force comes to worse. It can always go to restore, but I think a rollback just makes life a little bit easier. So I think it’s a good idea. It’s a far cry from the old days of having the FTP deal WordPress site.


Go into the plugin directory, rename the. The all your plugins to under score old and then start enabling them manually one at a time to figure out what the offender is and we all know those dates and we know if we have a site with 20 plugins that’s couple hours down the tube right?

England. Yeah. Yeah, yeah.


Yeah, yeah, but now we have this. A health and troubleshooting plugin I don’t. Know if he. You use it, but I have found that that tracked down quite a a few. Hours from the previous troubleshooting analysis. Yeah, where you just kind of get with one click. You can and it’s all just on your admin. Yeah. So the normal site that it’s not in often see with one click you can. And deactivate all the plugins and all the themes and just the default theme comes in and then you can. And add them one at a time and figure out which plug-in was the one. But that helped me so much in in in a lot of places, yeah. Although I was, I was kind of a little more trusty instead, but of course, yeah, I’m with you. I. I had all our sites when we were at the agency, they were all on managed hosting, so they had daily backups. They had automatic malware removal. They had security scans and all that. So I yeah, pretty much did autumn auto updates for all the sites, all the plugins. And then troubleshoot when there was an exception now so. But I also didn’t have 350 sites.

I’m what? I’m what I’ll tell you is I don’t. I don’t allow my web host to be the only backups. I take my own because they’ve also cases of web hosts.

Yes. Yeah.

Having backup servers hacked, have we not?

Yeah, it’s just it’s all happens, yeah.

It has. It has happened. I I like to be. I like to be in control. What else? With 6668 Super Burger, there’s a lot there.

There’s a lot there. Yeah, there’s this a nice little release graphic. Yeah, we have many updates. Just noticed. And we go. So there were the styles for groups of blocks. That’s just so-called style variations, block style variations that you can. The theme developer can provide for their in their theme for their users, and that those actually also work. Depending on how how it’s done, also for classic themes. So those were really cool because then you have a whole you don’t have to. If you want to have a a a call to action that has a header and a picture and a button. If you wanted to change that layout of it, you can now do it with. One button click and not have to touch every little thing of it, so that’s really a major streamline and yeah and a a good design for themes. So I learned like that. In the same. Round also color palettes and font sets that are separate from the style variation. So in addition to the theme style variations theme.

Ohh yes.

Builders can also just provide additional color palettes that can be applied to sections, so that’s really cool.

Yeah, I think so. I think that just opens up from a a designer developer’s perspective. It’s the biggest time saver going because you can make one global change and you say, well, why would you want all your call to actions the same? Well, from a style perspective and a branding perspective, it makes sense, right? So.

It right. Yeah, yeah.

People don’t always think that way, and I think you you need to think that. Way I think that’s two big things. What I’ll say is the rule. I’ve played with both of them in the last week. I really like the ability to change it called action, building a button across pages. That’s just like wonderful. I think we’re getting there. At least you know it’s pretty stable like I haven’t seen that in many problems kicking around. Really. Except for yeah, the couple of bugs we’ve identified, do you?


To to your first seat. Yeah. You haven’t heard anything much? No, and I.

I haven’t done anything, but yes. Apart from the CSS problems. You’re in the same round with the style variations and the color palettes and font settings. It’s the so for the for the site owners or content graders, there’s a similar feature. It’s called the pattern sync overrides. Yeah, where you can have a pet. Plan and then change make. Make sure that you that the content creators can change the heading and buttons and all that from from the content but not from the styling and when you need to change the styling of a pattern you can do it in one swoosh across the site that is actually a feature. That has been missing for a while, and that was also was slated for 6.5, but then it was kind of taken out because it didn’t wasn’t all that intuitive for content creators, and now it really is. And it shines quite a bit. Yeah, it’s one of the most talked about features I I saw on the Internet.

You know which is a good thing, and I think patterns are starting to catch on like more and more like I sit in a couple groups. Brian Gardner runs a Biltmore group. I think you know, about on Fridays, he originally ran it with Sam Nunos. And then Sam moved on to another part of. MVP engine and and this has really turned into a. Gutenberg plugin Slash FSC mastermind group that’s the best way. To describe it.

That’s cool.

Yeah, yeah, you should join. You should join sometime if you got the. Time we’d love to have you.

Is there an? Is it on Facebook or?

No, it’s a zoom call every Friday at 11:00 central 10. Sorry, 10:00 Central, 11 eastern.

Oh, OK. Oh, OK, yeah, yeah.

So Brian runs Rich, has been known to drop in from time to time. Not as much. Now he’s employed by automatic, but he’s been there.



I think and and and McCarthy. Dropped in a couple weeks ago for part of. The call so. You know, yeah.

Yeah, the pattern manages that. You’re right. And with 6.6, there’s actually the panel management that was in the site editor is now also available to the classic themes, so.


All the features that are in patterns. You can now get from your WP admin menu, click on patterns and you have all your theme pattern as well as your own pattern synced or unsynced at at the disposal and you can you can change something. So it’s really great that these two that 2 features, yeah. One is the theme JSON. For classic themes and the pattern for classic theme that they’ll kind of come all together and these new features are also available for non block themes and that’s really cool.

It’s a little bit of backward compatibility, and that’s one thing WordPress has always done really well. It’s been compatible with older versions and older themes and older plugins as much as we can and you, you know, when you when you try and make software, I’ll draw the parallel again with that Microsoft company and you try and make everything.

MHM. Mm-hmm.

Right. Yeah and.

Backward compatible. Sometimes that has challenges in itself too, like it really does, and people think.

Yeah, absolutely. Absolutely, yeah.

Ohh, why don’t we just drop all this backward compatibility drop line in the sand? Well, alienating your users is a good reason right now.

Yeah. Millions of yeah, millions of the users. Yeah. Yeah. You don’t wanna do that. So yeah, but yeah, these features are pattern management is actually also to making classic themes. Future compatible. Yeah. Yeah. So I found that I I just enabled 2020.

Yeah. That’s right.

For one of my testings and I said ohh yeah, I still have. My. My pattern that I created was 2024 work in 2020, so that was really an eye opening for me that this that those things don’t go away when you change the theme over. Yeah. And then it it goes both ways. Yeah. From classic to block and back again. So that’s that’s really. Something as I haven’t seen that for any software that it tries to future proof. Some of the features, yeah.

Yeah. And I think they’re just trying to make it easier. The biggest problem now is you’re a small company. You go and install it. You small companies tend not always to go page builders, they’ll just go find a theme that works right. They throw it in there and then a year later they’re like, we don’t like this, which change it. And at least now. Your styles and your color palettes all change with you, so you don’t have to reinvigorate all of that stuff, and then you’re good to go like that is the biggest time saver on the face of the Earth, so I think.


The release team should be commended at doing that.

Yeah, absolutely. Yeah, there’s some. There are a few smaller things, but they are really quality of life stuff. Yeah. For instance, with a a lot of designers are waiting for is that you can attach negative margins to to.

Yeah, I mean.

And the other one is that you can create custom shadows now with block themes. Yeah, that you get a few of four core shadows, drop shadows, and then you have some interface where you can change or create your own. Status that that you can then apply to your groups and to images and. Yeah, buttons and all that. Yeah. Yeah, it’s really good. Yeah.

That’s a big deal. Yeah, that’s more quality of life under the hood. Yeah, stuff.

Mm-hmm. Yeah. And the last one of those is that you now can tab use the tab to indent a list item that that kind of throw me so often. Because I’m, I’m I’m between Google Docs and WordPress all the time. Yeah. And that’s the one feature that’s not coming over from Google. Is tab for indenting list items, so now it’s there, so yes, Yep.

And now you and now you can. So it’s it’s about time. That’s just a housekeeping thing that should have I think should have been done long time ago. Yeah. Where do we sit in all the collaborative editing things that we’ve been talking about for a couple releases?


The part that has been really improving of on that are the revisions, so revisions for styles for. Style variations for global styles for templates, those have been really solid. It’s a little bit on the back burner in terms of getting it into the editor itself in the Black block editor for creating content. The team right now is really focusing on the. Redesign of the admin. Yeah, what you see in the data views for the patterns and the pages and all that. Yeah, we. Yeah, where you have the the different layouts and then how to do the bulk action. So they’re really concentrating on that right now. And there are two.


The. Uh, two things in the works. One is to use a form component that is now tested in a in in a duplicate view and the other one is in the. That is the I just had it. The forms and the. The post pages because you can do the pages with the site editor, but you have to get out into the WP admin to do your posts and they coming in into the site editor and into the new view is definitely something and with it comes not only for the data views. The grid view as well, so you have some some. You see the featured image plus the metadata of your pages or your templates, or your preview of your templates. In those data views, and that’s just phenomenal. Yeah. And the other. So there were two forms and the post and the other, the third one is media library. So yeah, yeah, yeah, some of the.

You know, I was gonna go there.

Poor contributors are now focusing on the media library. How can this kind of keep what we have but make it better and also put it into the components of the data? Use and how how that needs to be expanded and yeah, yeah.

And we’ve talked about on the show enough, the media library is due for an overhaul like that’s that’s the that’s long overdue and needs to be done. So I I was just waiting for you to say the media library because you know where my you know where my.

Oh yeah, it’s long overdue. Yes, absolutely.

Brain goes right. Yes.

Yeah. Mine too. Mine, too. I’m such a visual person and I always have so many. Any featured images and yeah, screenshots and photos that I need to organize that are site. Even the Gutenberg times, which is normally a lot of text as well. Yeah, we have tons and tons of images that are not organized that I I probably have. A dozen duplicates in there just because I don’t remember that I used that image already, so yeah.

I’m I’m working on a woo Commerce site right now that’s got over 2000 images on it and it’s so just.


If you and you know in the in the world of products, if you have a big retail store and a big online presence, that’s gonna mean major work. So this loose site is just growing and growing and growing, so.



And you need to be careful with the products and you don’t want a screenshot from an old. Product and in the.

I know.

Yeah. In the store, I had kind of that would be really bad for business. Yeah. So you really need to be able to organise it. Yeah. Yeah, so.

This one’s. Spending a bit of a monster, it’s it’s all it’s all variable products too. Even worse.

So yeah, but we didn’t talk about once feature that came with 6.6 and that is the grid block.


Ohh yes, yes, yes yes.

Yeah, it’s really a great way. To have some nice layouts on, yeah, if. It. Be it pictures, be it cards like headline so you could stack have a stack of things like a heading a picture and a text and then have a second stack and then you put it all together in a grid block. And they’re next to each other, and it’s just beautiful. Yeah.

Yes, yes, yes, it’s another way. Just to make your design development experience much easier, right? So.

Yeah. Yeah. And that’s pretty much hasn’t been there for WordPress before. Yeah, there are so many things in the site editor where a content creator. Ohh yeah, before that I needed a developer or I needed to some other page pillar that and and now it comes out-of-the-box and it’s really cool.

Yeah, it it’s really. It’s really interesting that you know it. It’s funny when you look back and you and I have been doing this a long time both together and and separately. And we we remember when this was just a blogging platform and look what we can do and look what we can create and look what we can be. You know, I think, yeah, I, I I see nothing but good thing for the future. I mean I think we we gotta get to the point where we start ignoring the witches and the weeklies and the built in site builders and all of that, I mean. Yeah, somebody wants to build a one page website, go build their homeworks, cause it’s probably not worth your time to spin up a WordPress install like I I would agree on that, but honey.


Like for adaptability and changeability, WordPress is still the way to go and.

That’s very versatile, especially for for both. Yeah, for content creators and for developers, yeah, the new tools, be it block bindings or block hooks or interactivity API that we talked more about it in 6.5. That that are not so prominent now with 6.6, but they are there and see more and more developers kind of combining all these features. And there’s some great tutorials on the developer blog about block bindings and block styles and all that, so to to help develops to to have find the way around and really appreciated those because the development process also has become easier. You don’t need a custom block for all of it, especially because you now have block bindings. You don’t have to do a yeah, create your own custom block for metadata. Yeah. Now it’s actually built into and you can just have a. A. A block that taps into those beta post meta and so it’s very neat to have those new features coming in, but we can’t talk about them all all the time. So yeah.

So. So let’s talk about world map just a little bit as we wrap up 70 November the 12th, right, release Candidate 1 October 1st, I think you said.

That’s the. Yeah, that’s the the proposed schedule for 6.7, yes. Yeah. Yeah. And sorry. Yeah. Well, it will come with additional sync pattern updates. Yeah, there is one on the horizon for the theme. Developers can provide sync pattern updates, sync pattern overrides. The grid block has some.

So 6.7. Yeah.

Additional experiments that are coming out now in the plugin and the good more plug in the road map itself. It hasn’t finalized yet. There we are. We don’t have a release. Squad yet completely, but the core editor and the the Core core editor leads and core leads. The technical leads are already assigned, but all the others are are just kind of the post I think is. Is on make park to volunteer for certain roles and I think Hector is putting together the release squad in the next two weeks. Yeah. And so that’s what else the. Better alright, data views that will evolve quite a bit, yeah. The post comes in to the site editor. Yeah, there’s quite a few things that are in the works for 6.7 now.

Yeah. And the biggest thing is I think it’s coming out in November. So it gets us away from that whole holiday shopping time. I mean, in, in, in past years, I think it was last year, it was the first year we moved the last release away from December.

Yeah, yeah, absolutely.


Yeah. And I think it’s one of the best things and that was something the community asked for actually. And we said as a community, we don’t need our sites to have issues in December, no.



Yeah. No, no. And or you just defer the upgrade into January. Yeah. But yeah, you still have to deal with it. Yeah. Yeah. So we have some flight writing flow issues that all are going to be tackled. They are being drag and drop in the editor. Keyboard uses rich text finalizing or kind of looking at it. Also, multiple selections for blocks, yeah. So for instance you cannot yet select multiple list items and indent them. You have to do it one at a time or you cannot. Yeah, you cannot multi select list items and then bold them all at the same time. You need to do it one at a time all these. So these little things are definitely something that’s going to be looked at drag and drop for images or multiple images for the image blocking gallery. Yeah. So yeah, yeah.

Please please please. That’s another content creator. Thing that as I could go in like yesterday so.

Absolutely, yeah. Yeah, yeah. And there are quite a few tracking issues that you can find in the Gutenberg repo that kind of list the things that are kind of slated for 6.7. So one of them is also to have. Pushing polishing up the query loop. Yeah. Yeah. What you can do with that? Yeah, there has been quite a few. Quite some feedback in the. Last three to. Four releases and the team is gonna look at it quite a bit to kind of get some of those. Fixed or revisited? Yeah. Could be that it’s needs needs a revision. Yeah, post type differences being away from post types and a custom post types or post formats and all that. Yeah, that is definitely going to be looked at for 6.7 if anything happens for 6.7, that’s a different story. But the the teams are are are looking at those things, definitely layout improvements. What else? Or also extensibility. How is there something to be thought through the blocks API for the development block, custom blocks with all the new APIs coming in? Done yeah. How to even the. The light box for the for the gallery that has been on the road for quite a bit, yeah.

Yeah. There’s lots going on, so look forward to that budget as usual. I can’t thank you enough for making a little bit of time for us. We really appreciate you.

Well, thank you for having me.

If anybody wants to check out your work Gutenberg times is a good place. It’s kind of a must read as far as I’m concerned. Usually hits your inbox Sunday night. Usually if your if your weekend’s good. Right.

If my weekend, it’s good. It’s coming in Saturday. Yeah, if the podcast. If so, on every two weeks we do podcast. Sometimes it’s every month, but lately we have done every two. Weeks, then the podcast comes in Sunday night. Yes, that’s true. Yeah, that’s why.

Sunday night, so check those out. And if somebody wants to get a hold of you, talk for a press. How’s the best way?

I think, yeah. Yeah. Well, you can DM me on Twitter, my Twitter, or on X my my handle is BPH. My those are my initials and the same happens to be on WP Slack on the Make Slack. You can always kind of the me or ping me in a in one of the channels. I hang out mostly in the outreach. Channel, which is a new channel on the Make blog. Where we connect with theme builders and site builders to to discuss the new features and what’s working and what’s not working. And some sometimes it’s a little bit more support and sometimes it’s more. Ah, good. I haven’t tried this. Let’s see how we can break it. Yeah. So that’s definitely a good place to to find me.

Thanks, Birgit. Have an awesome day.

Yeah. Thank you, Rob. You too. Bye.

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