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Episode 472 The Busiest Lady in WordPress With Michelle Frechette

Show Summary Rob Cairns talks to Michelle Frechette the busiest lady in WordPress. Show Highlights: 1. How many hats does Michelle wear? 2. How does Michelle manage her time? 3. A general WordPress discussion Show Notes Hey everybody Rob turns here and today I’m here with my good and dear friend, Miss Michelle Frechette. How…

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Episode 469: Security With Tim Nash – Securing Your WordPres Site in Uncertain Times

Show Summary Tim Nash talks with Rob Cairns about securing your website in uncertain times. Show Highlights: 1. How to lock your website down. 2. Backups and more backups. 3. What to watch for to help with yor website security. Show Notes Hey. Hey everybody, Rob Cairns here and today I’ve got my good friend,…