Episode 387: About Pages With Todd Jones
Show Summary Rob Cairns talks to Todd Jones about – About Pages. Show Highlights: 1. Why an about page? 2. What makes a good about page? 3. Things not to put on an about page. Show Notes
Show Summary Rob Cairns talks to Todd Jones about – About Pages. Show Highlights: 1. Why an about page? 2. What makes a good about page? 3. Things not to put on an about page. Show Notes
Show Summary Todd Jones takes over the SDM Podcast and interviews Rob Cairns. Show Highlights: Show Notes
Show Summary Rob Cairns sits down with Todd Jones and talks about how AI impacts copywriting. Show Highlights: Show Notes Hey everybody, Rob here again today. I’m here with my good friend and guest Todd Jones of copyflight. How are you today, Todd? Not too bad. I can’t. I can’t complain. So it’s muggy and…
Rob is a seasoned professional willing to help people. He helps his customers make money. He has expertise in a plethora of areas including Internet Technology, digital marketing, PPC ads, and much more.