Episode 260: 9 Things I Learned Doing Site Audits For Clients

Episode 260: 9 Things I Learned Doing Site Audits For Clients

Show Highlights Rob Cairns talks about 9 things he learned by doing Site Audits for  clients. Show Notes 1. Many Users still use Admin as their default User Name.2. Most websites do not have proper security software installed.3. Most clients do not have Backups installed and if they do they have not tested them4. Most…

Episode 258: 15 Ways Small Businesses Can Secure a WordPress Website

Episode 258: 15 Ways Small Businesses Can Secure a WordPress Website

Show Highlights Rob Cairns shares his experience and talks about ways small businesses can secure a WordPress website.  Show Highlights: Software you can use to secure your site. Backups matter. Passwords and more passwords. Show Notes 1.Dont use Admin as your username. 2. Use strong passwords. 3. Use a password manager like Bitwarden. 4. For…

Episode 256 Things to Consider For Your Website When Changing Webcare Security Providers

Episode 256 Things to Consider For Your Website When Changing Webcare Security Providers

Show Highlights Rob Cairns has many years maintaing secuirty for WordPress Websites. When clients change the service provider that maints the security for their websites, many simple things are missed. Rob talks about the the missed items and what to do about them. Show Notes Hey everybody, Rob here again in today’s podcast, I wanted…

Episode 254: My Software Stack for my Customer Support Portal

Episode 254: My Software Stack for my Customer Support Portal

Show Highlights Rob Cairns talks about his software stack for his cutomer support portal. Rob shares with you why he moved his customer support portal back to WordPress and some of the key plugins and themes he used to build the portal. Show Notes Hey everybody, Rob here again in today’s podcast, I wanted to…